PLAY (1)

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As the moon shines brighter in the night sky as the howls of the wolves is heard and the scene changes into a familiar green haired boy standing infront of the edge of a cliff looking down on the town just outside the royal castle as the lights inside the houses shine bright and makes such a wonderful view to the eye

As the moon shines brighter in the night sky as the howls of the wolves is heard and the scene changes into a familiar green haired boy standing infront of the edge of a cliff looking down on the town just outside the royal castle as the lights in...

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???(head): So this is where father died.. kinda ironic i didn't get to see him at all when i was a child *drops down* I wonder what mother wanted me to be here for other than just flat out destroying the place.

 kinda ironic i didn't get to see him at all when i was a child *drops down* I wonder what mother wanted me to be here for other than just flat out destroying the place

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???(head): Your very stubborn as always little one the problem here is none other than EXPLORE ALL THE THINGS AND HAVE FUN!

The green haired figure had a tickmark appear on his forehead as he screams inside of his head


Winter(head): Says the person who almost got caught the first second you got inside the kingdom kinda ironic even for you Izuku.

Izuku(head): It's not my fault i was hungry we have been travelling for the past 3 days because someone had to bring all their belongings rather than bring any kind of money and food

As they continue to argue the stomach started growling at them because they were so hungry as they just look down at the ground staring at it as they heard a small 'gasp' behind them alerting Izuku immediately as he thought he was caught he was surprised to see a maiden with black hair with the same matching black eyes

???: Can i help you? *tilts her head to the side* It's already dark don't you have anywhere to go?

Winter(head): Say NO Izu she might let us in for the night! Izuku? IZUKU!

Winter keeps shouting at izuku but he was frozen he didn't believe in anything about the love stuff but he was definitely questioning it now, you see when Izuku was still a kid he was never a talkative person he admired heroes but let's just say he became the opposite as the black haired girl waved her hands infront of his eyes

Winter keeps shouting at izuku but he was frozen he didn't believe in anything about the love stuff but he was definitely questioning it now, you see when Izuku was still a kid he was never a talkative person he admired heroes but let's just say h...

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Yui: Hey are you okay? your being really quiet am i bothering you perhaps?

As if the thunder god struct him Izuku immediately replied with a hi and introduced himself to the maiden infront of him

Izuku: Im Izuku.. Izuku Midoriya *bows* and you are?

Yui: Yui Kodai *bows* if you don't have anywhere to stay you can stay at my place my friends are currently there my parents are serving as one of the royal guards in the palace..

Izuku: Oh how kind but I- *Gets hit by winter inside* I don't want to distu- *Hit2x* disturb you guys *Hit 3x* 'Your fucking dead winter' okay?

Yui: Oh no, no it's my pleasure and besides.. i know who you are.. *smiles and walks away* now i suggest you follow me otherwise your gonna get punished

As the air changes from love and flowers to hate and rain as the rain pours harder the scene of Yui's eyes change to red like he was trying to intimidate Izuku which failed but he needed to follow through with her plan otherwise she'll snitch

Izuku: What are you talking about mam? i am no one i mean i just introduced myself but im just merely citizen in this city so i'll be on my way now *begins to walk away*

Izuku Shigaraki...

Hearing this made Izuku's eyes go wide and turn into fox eyes as the ground began crumbling in the area intimidating Yui a bit but she didn't budge as she continued

Yui: The son of the number one villain in the whole entire world but was killed by your idol Toshinori Yagi in the act of saving you and your mother.. and then became a viglante the worlds most famous one in fact

Izuku: You better shut the fuck up before i make you.. *Turns into half fox* I won't go lightly on you even if your a girl.. *growls*

Winter(head): This son of a bitch *releases blood intent*

Yui: Calm down i won't say anything unless.. *looks to the side* You come with me? Isn't that a good deal?

Izuku: .. Fine but your standing in thin ice Kodai.. *walks back* now go i don't wanna stay in the rain it'll make my fur wet *turns into human* or my hair

Yui: Fair enough, Good choice.. Vigilante.. *walks away*

As Izuku and winter stayed silent before walking behind her Winter was saying something about killing her right now to erase all the evidence the problem is how did she know this much information as they were forced to join in some slumber party

Izuku: I hate my life..

-jayden out

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