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Rapunzel, Eugene, and Varian all watched as the wagon spun and went into the room that was filled with rabid dogs. The wagon hit a small bump making Sunny and Ruddiger jump out. Ruddiger quickly ran to safety while Sunny chased after the wagon. The wagon tipped over and all of the kids were on the floor. Shorty and (Y/n) we're the farthest into the room. Shorty was mesmerized by a wooden duck in a dog's mouth and (Y/n) stared in awe at the large shadow on the far wall behind the large sleeping dog. "Shadow." She whispered softly. The shadow raised a hand to its lips silently telling her to stay quiet. The girl covered her mouth with a soft giggle.

Rapunzel, Eugene, and Varian all ran into the room and stared wide eyed at the four kids. Cassandra was standing with her sword ready, Shorty was trying to get the duck out of the dogs mouth, (Y/n) was carefully walking to the very back wall, and Lance was hiding under a shelf. Shorty yawned before snuggling up to the large dog leaving the top under its paw. The shadow on the wall started to move up and (Y/n) pouted. She carefully started to climb up the barrels and shelfs to get higher.

"And this is why I'm a cat person." Eugene said softly as he glared at the dogs. "Eugene, you get Lance. I'll get Cass, and Varian, you get (Y/n)." Rapunzel said and both boys nodded. "We gotta get that top before the dogs wake up!" She said and they all started making their way towards the respectable kids. Sunny jumped in front of Varian and led him carefully around the dogs.

"Hey Cass, sweetie, I know you want to get the top, and I know you're very brave, but you're in an unsafe situation right now, so...I need you to please exit the kennel." Rapunzel pleaded softly to the girl. "Uh-huh, you're not the boss of me." Cassandra said loudly and the dog next to her flinched. "No I-I'm not telling you what to do. But I am strongly suggesting you reconsider-" Rapunzel said only to be cut off. "Wow, Eugene was right. You do let us walk all over you." Cassandra said facing the princess with her wooden sword over her shoulder. "You guys are going to be disasters as parents." Cassandra said making Rapunzel stare wide eyed at the floor.

"Lancey-poo, come with me, right now." Eugene said sternly to Lance. "Why this way?" Lance asked glancing at the way to the door. "Because that's the way to the door, and we have to go bye bye." Eugene said rolling his eyes. "Why?" Lance asked again making Eugene run his fingers through his hair.

"Love, come on. We're all going to get hurt if we stay here." Varian said softly as he tried to reach for the girl, but she was just out of his reach. "Shadow." (Y/n) faced him pointing up at the large shadow looming over her. "Yes, sweetie, I know you found your actual shadow. But this place isn't safe." (Y/n) glanced between the shadow and Varian a few times before looking at him with soft (e/c) eyes. "B-but he gone s-so long. I-I miss h-him." A sudden switch went off in Varian's mind. His eyes widened as he thought of an idea. "Witch logic, witch logic, think, think." Varian whispered to himself before looking back up at the girl. "(Y/n), I know that you think that the shadow is good, but please listen to me. If that is good, then why would they take you somewhere dangerous where you can get really really hurt?" Varian asked softly and held his arms out for the girl. (Y/n) looked up at the large shadow that seemed to be offering a hand out to her. She continued to stare at the shadow when Sunny jumped up next to her and hissed at the shadow. (Y/n) stared at the cat before making her way to Varian. When she was close enough, Varian picked her up and into his arms. "Oh thank god you're making this easy for me." Varian whispered to himself and starting to make his way back.

Rapunzel glanced between Eugene and Varian before determination displayed over her delicate features. She picked Cassandra up quickly. "Hey, what are you-" Cassandra said before Rapunzel placed her on the ground holding her shoulders. "Okay, listen up, young lady. Playtime is over!" Rapunzel said sternly turning Cass towards the door. "You get your rear end outta this kennel right now! Hold Varian's hand and walk on those tiptoes!" "But-" "No buts! Out! Hands! Tiptoes! Now!" Rapunzel whisper yelled and pointed towards the door. "Yes, ma'am." Cassandra said and Varian offered his hand to her. She took it and they made their way to the door.

Gut Feelings (Varian x Witch!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now