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Dylan's POV

My alarm goes off. I get up and go downstairs.

"Morning sweetie!"mom says

"Morning"I say grabbing a box of cereal.

She comes and sits down in front of me.

"So,do you remember anything?"she asks looking worried

"Not really.."

"Okay well once you finish eating get dressed I'm taking you to the doctor"


I eat quickly then run upstairs and get ready. Once I finish I grab my phone and head downstairs.

"Ready?"she asks

I nod and we go to the car. I pull out my phone. I have a text.

Izzy:hey dyl how are you?

Me:I still don't remember much.

Izzy:okay. I'll see you later?


I put my phone in my pocket and we get out. Once we get inside we head back to the doctor.

"Yesterday you said he was fine. He doesn't remember anything."mom says

"Hmm,that's weird."he says scanning some papers

"Yeah."she says

"Well maybe it was some medication we gave him or something because there is definitely nothing wrong with him"he says looking at the papers then to mom

"Okay,maybe you're right."she says

"Just give him time maybe it'll all come back."


We leave and go home. Once we get there I go to my room and lay down. I pull out my phone and go on instagram. Man I have a lot of followers. Am I famous or something? Wait. I go to twitter,then to vine,then to YouTube.

"I REMEMBER!"I scream

"What's wrong?!"mom says running in

"I remember!"

"Remember what?"

"I'm a youtuber and viner!"

"Yeah you are"

The memories are starting to flood back into my head. From my ex girlfriend Jordan to going on my first trip to Disney World.

"I remember everything"I say

"You do?!"she says excitedly



Izzy's POV

I decided not to go to school today. Yesterday was a long day. Soon I'm going over to Dylan's though. Hopefully he remembers something,anything. I get a quick shower then I get dressed. Once I finish my routine I grab my phone and go downstairs. Mom isn't home. She has a job now that requires her to stay until 10,sometimes later. I grab my keys and drive to Dylan's. Once I get there I get out and knock on the door.

"Come in!"I hear Laurie say

I open the door and nobody is in the living room. I walk past the kitchen and I see Laurie.

"Hey Izzy!"she says obviously happy

"Hey Mrs. Laurie!"I say as I head upstairs

Once I get to Dylan's room I knock. Dylan opens the door and let's me in.

"So how are you?"I say walking towards his bed

He grabs my waist and spins me around.

"Great."he says

He leans in and crashes his lips against mine.

"I remember."he says resting his forehead on mine.

Yay! Dylan remembered! Who's ready for the next chapter? ~dezzi

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