Chapter 9: "The Distraction/Escape"

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(Play the song from the top now)

Vale Downtown

It night rainy street of Vale as tire was screech down in the road as it show Knight Tom driving drifting in the city as he see 3 or 2 cars chasing him behind as he continued pressing gas petal driving away from those girls that was chasing him.

Knight Tom: "Just got to keep moving"

Tom turn to the next street which he drift a bit and drove straight as the cars behind him continued chased him while chasing the Knight Ruby grabbed her Crescent Rose and transformed it to the sniper and aimed at the tires of the car that Tom is driving.

Ruby: 'I got you my love'

She fired only to missed as Yang was driving Blake and Weiss grabbed their weapons and soon begin firing their weapons trying to hit the tires to slow the car down but not to soon all the girls grabbed their weapons and begin firing at Tom as he slowly dodge the bullets and explousin. 

Knight Tom: 'God are they that desperate to get me?'

While driving in the city Nora kept firing until get annoyed by missing her shot as she turn to Coco who driving. 

Nora: "Slow the car down I got idea of how to get the Knight"

Coco: "Oh yeah how?"

Nora give a little smiled as she transformed her weapon to a hammer as Coco get the idea so she slow the car down as Nora got off and ran off as Coco drives off trying to catch up to the others.

(Pause the music here at 2:30)

Meanwhile with the other Authors

Alpha: "Why are you giving me my pistol back??"

Cmonkey: "Because I don't feel fine while holding it"

Alpha: "You know you need after what we been through"

Cmonkey: "I know but still what if I accidently pull the trigger and the bullet hit you or Flat"

Alpha: "Okay fine give me my pistol back..."

Cmonkey careful give the pistol back as he slowly looked at his hand thinking all this was a nightmare thinking he still in class that he might fallen asleep as he pinch himself to wake him self up but he felt the pinch and he stop doing knowing this is real.

Flat on the phone: "Are we there yet?"

Alpha: "Yes we are."

The two dodge charger stopped at house as the three exited the cars and walked up to the front door and knock

??: "Hang on.."

It show Tom Friend opened the door revealing herself wearing Green Mandalorian suit as she see three authors looking at her

??: "What do you want?"

Alpha: "Do you know Tom?"

??: "Yes why??"

Flatcap: "Well you see Tom sent us and he told us that you know how to fly right?"

The girl Mandalorian sigh and invite the three authors inside her house as the three entered Tom friend looked at the three with serious face.

??: "Alright where Tom??"

Alpha: "Well you see right now we being chased and Tom is right now distracting them so we can get to you he saying you could get us out of here"

MandoOnTwo: "He calling in the favor I guess fine help you out let me introduce myself to you I'm MandoOnTwo or Jay he like's to calls me"

Alpha: "Okay thanks Jay now where your transport"

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