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A/N (thank you for requesting this!!!)
-(Y/N) POV-
I've been dating Alberto for almost a year now and from what i've Learned... the one thing he absolutely hates... is getting the hiccups.

"What are you doing?" I asked my boyfriend who was shoveling pasta into his mouth.
"Em peppering fo da Rez" he said..
"What?.."I asked as he swallowed.
"Im preparing for the race! Y'know the portorosso cup?" He replied
"Oh yeah! It's probably not a good Idea to eat all of that pasta but How's it been going?" I asked
"It's been goi- *hiccup*" his eyes went wide and I knew EXACTLY what was wrong. I started laughing my ass off!
"It's not-*hiccup* funny!" He yelled
"I'm sorry *wheeze* ahhh 😌 okay, let's get rid of these Hiccups!"
-le time skip-
We tried EVERYTHING! And nothing worked!!! He's not afraid of anything! He can hold his breath for like 40 minutes and no matter how much water he drinks... HE STILL HAS THE HICCUPS!
"I give up." I said throwing my hands in the air.
"Me too.... Man I hate- *hiccup* hiccups he grumbled.
"wait! I have an idea..." I then left him to start my plan.
-Alberto's POV-
It's been a while so I started looking for (Y/N).
I saw her at the shore looking at something.
(Pulled a Zootopia, fam.)
Then Luca jumped out of the water and bit her neck. I gasped and passed out.
-(Y/N) POV-
"BlOOD, BLOOD! AND DEATH...." I exclaimed before fake dying.
"I don't think it worked..." said Luca as he pointed to the now unconscious Alberto.
"Oof.... We should probably drag him back..." I suggested. Luca nodded in response.
-le time skip-
Alberto started waking up with a groan...
"Ah! She's dead- he killed her- blood- buts she's alive- what- huh?!" He exclaimed, I couldn't help but laugh. He just glared.
"Well at least your hiccups are gone..." I said sheepishly. He was SOOO going to get me back.

A/N (hope you guys liked it! Now REQUEST!)

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