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I have a theory that the countries aren't exactly immortal. You see, if the limbo theory is correct then a problem must be solved. Well maybe when a certain nation does something that effects everyone else, they unlock another part of the puzzle. But this also makes them useless afterwards, thus they lose their immortality. So if they are to be hurt badly, it will effect them like it would a normal human. Meaning, they will die like any human would. Let's use Rome for an example, he effected everyone with his ambitions, so he solved a piece of the puzzle. Eventually, he fell and Germania killed him. Germania also solved a piece of the puzzle, so he died after committing suicide over guilt. It's just a matter of time before everyone dies.

My question is... Has China figured this out? I mean how else would he be able to stay alive for so long. He's either figured it out or just refuses to do anything major.

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