Chapter 0.5

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"'What matters most' huh? Such idiocy. There is no specific thing that matters most, so what does this mean?" Regulus walks. He's just walking.

The sidewalk he stands on. Cars pass him. Regulus is lost in thought. He can't comprehend what or who he's supposed to 'remove'. Afterall importance is subjective to individual people, there is nothing that everyone values as most important. So is he supposed to go off of a majority? If that's the case, the answer should be human life. But, does that mean that someone wants to destroy human life? As a whole?

"I'll figure this out later. Sylphy." Slyphy, the blonde woman who gave him his gospel, comes from, somewhere. "Yes Husband~sama?" Regulus turns his head slightly to the right to face her. "Here, take my gospel and put it away please." He hands her the gospel. Sylphy bows and leaves. Regulus turns his head back in front of him.

Villas surround him, of course none of the buildings could compare to his mansion, but Regulus still finds contentment in looking at them. Children cross the road.

Regulus continues walking.

< < <

"No matter how a person acted in life, death is a simple matter. Those who have accomplished great feats, those who have comitted great sins; death treats them equally, stealing their lives in the same way. In this gravely unjust world, it's one of the few truly just parts of life. Precisely because they know the end will inevitably come,-" A Nomu attempts to hit Regulus. It makes contact. The arm that attacked him disappears. Dust of flesh and bone and droplets of blood flow in the wind, "the living shouldn't pursue too much happiness while they live. Therefore, I am extremely satisfied with the low threshold of my happiness. And if I am called 'Greed', it's only because I'm always eager to appreciate what I do have, and what I will come to have. My satisfied self wants to know, are you satisfied with death? If so, congratulations on your death, if not, then those are the words of fate."

Shigaraki scratches his neck. The bird he has spent so much time on, lies on the ground as only a torso and head. It angers him. After the bird lost it's arm, it attempted to hit Regulus with the other, losing it in the process. The Nomu attempted to kick him, its legs were obliterated.

"I wasn't even doing anything, so why did you continue to attack me? It confuses me, I see no logic in your actions. Are you a puppet? Forced to do what the puppeteer says? If so, that's a very unfortunate matter of course, if not, then why do you-" Shigaraki interrupts him, "Ah will you shut up. How did you even do that?! Why are you even here?!" Regulus responds, "Why I'm here? Am I not welcome? Not that your welcome means anything, but because I value your respect in not attacking me, I'll tell you. In being here, I will get the preferred future." With that stated, Regulus leaves. He peacefully walks out of the hole he made in a wall when he arrived.

Regulus is given a black book by a blonde haired woman wearing a type of uniform. "Thank you Sylphy." Sylphy nods. He reads it. To others, the words in it are incomprehensible, but to him they are as normal as English, though the words are very vague.

What you need, what I need, kill the bird.

This was what the book contained before Regulus killed the Nomu. Text appears on the page after.

Find the one. The one loved by the Witch of Envy-Satella. Help him. If you do. You may continue.

"Huh? Loved by the witch? Satella?! So a Sin Archbishop? But there is no Sin Archbishop of Envy? I can't smell the scent of the ones loved by witches, so how am I supposed to do this?! This much work, all this, to not be pitied?! I will do whatever it takes to stay as a complete existence, but having to help some unsightly scum because a woman fell into the delusion of love?!"


When you see the symbol(<<), this means that Subaru has died, and time will rewind back. The only major changes that will occur when Subaru dies are the changes the Gospel gets.

Hope u enjoyed reading.

Regulus Corneas(Re:Zero) x BNHAWhere stories live. Discover now