A Random Date at 2 am || Part 2 - Itadori x Reader

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This POV this time is female!

This oneshot also has a playlist to it I found and listened to while writing this. -

My face drops, I set my chopsticks down, turning to look at him, he turns to look at me too. Confused. "Well he should get him line, cause half of the higher ups want you dead too." I say with a deadpanned expression.

That's when Itadori chokes on his food, and laughs a bit, then chokes some more.

"Oh lordt, don't kill yourself." I pat his back trying to help him.

We sat there eating a bunch of sushi by this time it's already 4 am. And we were stuffed. When we got up to pay I felt like I was pregnant. "Itadori I think I am going to have a food baby." I tell him, jokingly, holding onto my stomach. He groans at himself, wobbling as he walks out the restaurant. "I think I am having triplets."

By this time at 4 am, the streets of Akihabara were still well lighted, lots of people around but it's definitely not as lively.

"Let's go somewhere quieter." Before I could agree with him. He pulls me by my hand and ushers me into a 24/7 movie theater. We chose some random old movie to watch, I am not sure what he bought. When we walked into the viewing room, it was empty, no one there. Which we did and didn't find surprising, we chose to sit higher up.

Once the movie started, I recognized it. I caused when I saw the opening scene. It was Hiroshima mon amour! Being a film fanatic I loved this movie especially. I once fangirled to Itadori about the film once, but he payed more attention to his video game than listening to me.

"Before you think I don't listen to you, in fact I love listening to you." He wraps his arms around my shoulder, pulling in me close.

I could feel myself mentally blushing, I squirmed a bit, as much as I love cuddling, Itadori showing random acts of affections just surprises me.

The film continued, I was engrossed into the film, but I could tell Itadori was doing his best to keep up with everything going on in the film, he definitely had to ask me to explain a bit a few things.

When the film ended he was just as confused about it. "It's a film beautifully illustrating about love and loss and war." I quietly said to myself, seeing the credits roll. He pats my head, "Well it's definitely not your average chick flick."

We stood up from the chairs, stretching a bit, our hands entangled around each other. "I especially loved bitch slap scene! He got her good."

I especially liked that scene too, more for the editing, and scene build up, rather than the bitch slap. "Oh and the sex scenes." He says quietly to himself. But still loud enough for me to hear.

~Time Skip~

We got back to the school, now it was well into the early morning, we didn't know if it was 7 or 8 in the morning cause our phones were dead.

We were slowly walking to the entrance gates, hands linked still. I still had my plushie he won for me. When we turned to the school gate we saw Gojo Satoru standing there. Looking at us. We could tell he wasn't happy.

"Look what y'all gone and do, went out disobeying your teacher." He says sternly, but you could tell he was half joking.

I raised my hand as if I was in the classroom. "Yes Y/N" he calls on me.

"To be fair, Itadori, kidnapped me."

"HUHUH?!" Itadori, yells out looking at me, letting go of my hand.

"I planned that entire date for you!" He angrily mumbles, shoving his hands into his pocket. I looked at my hand, wearing a sad expression, I tugged on his sleeve. Looking up at him. Without looking at me, he quickly takes his hand out of his pocket before gripping on to my hand.

"Y'all cute but you're still forbidden to see one another until Itadori finishes his training." Gojo says taking my arm and pulling me away from Itadori.

I turned back looking at him, seeing Itadori's hand outstretching for me, "Don't forget me my lover!" Saying in the most over-dramatic film noir kind of way.

"My love! My life!" He cries out. "I will not forget you, I will visit you, when the moon is high, my love!"

"MI AMOOOOOUR~" I yelp out as Gojo pulls me away some more.

"Y/NNNNNN! Don't forget me!" He goes down on his knees. Yelling my name, very loudly I might add.

"Oh Mi Amour I won't!" I shout back at him. I heard Gojo saying about we were being overly dramatic.

Then I heard a window being opened and seeing a very... very angry Fushigoro sticking his head out, bedhead and all. "WHY ARE YOU DUMBFUCKS BEING SO LOUD."

"SHUT THE FUCK UP" That was Kugisaki.

I looked back at Itadori, blowing him a kiss, he was at me, as I was now being dragged away from him.

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