Tuesday - The Test

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With Valentines done, Makoto preps for school somehow tripping on his way out.

M: " Ow.. That hurt.. "

H: "Hey Dude! Are you okay? "

M: " Yeah.. I'm fine, thanks Hagakure. "

H: "No problem man, say, are you ready for the test today? "

M: " T-test!? Oh-no-no-no-no! "

Makoto checks his phone and realizes today really is the day for the test, being caught up in his valentines shenanigans' he forgot all about it.

M: "Aw man I forgot to study! "

H: "Hey, why don't you just study on the way to school? "

M: "I guess that could work.. though it sort of feels like cheating... "

H: "Well it's your grade man! "


K: "Naegi! Please make an effort to study instead of studying on the way to school! "

M: " I'm sorry Taka, but I can't get a bad grade on this test... "


C: "My my, Naegi. I didn't think you would be the person to study on the way to school... "


Makoto puts back his books and enters his class.

M: "Sorry I'm late miss, ran into a bit of trouble... "

Teacher: "Well Mr. Naegi, the test just started, I hope you are ready... "

Makoto goes to his desk, gets out a pencil and starts on his test.

H: "Excuse me Makoto-Dono, could you please stop tapping your desk? "

M: "Oh. Sorry Hifumi.. "


Teacher: " Ahem, times up students! Have a good day. "

The bell rings and everyone leaves the room in a ruckus, except Taka. The whole day passes by and all Makoto can think about is his grade.


Everyone leaves the school and Makoto bumps into Kirigiri.

K: "Honestly Makoto, you really need to focus more. "

M: "Sorry Kirigiri-san.. I didn't study last night and I'm worried about my grade.. "

K: "I wish you good luck. Bye, Naegi. "

M: "I'll see you Kirigiri-san! "

Kyoko walks off while makoto waves, he then realizes Kyoko is walking in the same direction he is going, so he catches up with her.

M: "I guess we walk on the same route hehe... "

K: "Hm, So it seems..."

M: "It makes sense, I did meet you by my house. "

K: "Well, yes, I live close by. "

M: "Your father's the headmaster right? That's nice! "

K: "I wouldn't really call it nice, and I prefer not to talk about my father.. "

M: "Oh.. Sorry. "

Makoto and Kyoko walk the rest of the way in silence making even their footsteps loud.

M: "Alright, this is my place! "

K: "I'll see you tomorrow Naegi. Hopefully you remember to study for the other tests.. "

M: "Ha.. yeah, I'll see you tomorrow! "


M: "I wonder why she doesn't like talking about her dad.. "

Makoto eats some leftovers and the chocolate for dessert then goes to his room and ends another day.


I hope you enjoyed this new update! Bye! 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2021 ⏰

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