SMG4: Perfectly Balanced (02)

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Mario, SMG4 and [Y/N] run out of the building and stopped and glanced around surprised to see the Internet Graveyard populated with many dead memes. A knuckles walks to the microwave with a fork. He opens the door throwing the fork inside. Closing the door he presses the start button. The microwave starts to run but explodes instantly. There was so many things happening at once [Y/N] stood there in awe. "Wow!" Mario says while looking around. "This place has gotten so much more civilized huh SMG4?" SMG4 walks with [Y/N] to a laptop near by and noticed it was showing a video. "SMG4? [Y/N]?" Mario walks over and notices what you two were watching. SMG3 was reacting to a video and started throwing up. "Dear god.." SMG4 says slowly and waves his arms in the air. "SMG3 is still HERE?!" [Y/N] looked up and gasps. "He must of be behind the dead meme at home, I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN!" SMG4 hissed but Mario slowly pokes his shoulder. "Uh.. SMG4..?" [Y/N] asks as [she/he] stares up. SMG4 looked up and gasps. A giant statue of SMG3 was overlooking the whole internet grave yard.

SMG4, Mario and [Y/N] walk towards the temple and noticed a couple of dead memes bowing before the SMG3 statue. SMG4 and Mario run over towards them as they quickly ran away. [Y/N] sighed and ran over "Wow good job SMG4 your ugly face scared them off." Suddenly everyone turns around to see an army of Knuckles coming towards them. SMG4 holds [Y/N] hand and looks over at the both of them. "Whatever you do don't move." But just as SMG4 says it suddenly they attack them.

Everyone slowly wakes up seeing they were tied up and hanging upside down. Everyone screams. "WHAT THE HELL?!" SMG4 yells. Suddenly a giant troll face shows up below. "Get in my BELLY!" It yelled suddenly it started to lower them. Everyone screams as they were lowered. "[Y/N]!" SMG4 yells as [Y/N] turns [her/his] head. "SMG4!" Suddenly they were stopped being lowered as a familiar voice was heard. "HAH YOU JUST GOT PRANKED BRO!" The knuckle was talking away as SMG3 was on a floating cloud and went to the camera saying his putto of his video and rushes over. "Oh god you should have seen your guys faces! Priceless!" SMG3 laughs like a maniac. "SMG3 what's the meaning of this you a**!" SMG4 hissed. "You two just got pwned by SMG3 PRANK CONTROL!" SMG3 dabs. Mario turns his head. "THERES THREE OF US DUMMIE!" SMG3 stops dabbing and looks over and sees [Y/N]. "Oh my god... YOUR ALIVE!" SMG3 says and floats over to [her/him]. "I'm still ticked with you." [Y/N] hissed. "But what WE want to know is why did you send a corrupted dead meme back home!" SMG3 looked shocked. "Did.. did you say corrupted dead meme..?" SMG3 flies over to one of the knuckles. "TERRANCE TAKE THESE IDIOTS TO MY LAIR ASAP."

Everyone was sitting around a table glaring at each other. Mario scoots away and sits over at another tabled near the kids corner sign. "Are you finally gonna tells us what the hells going on?!" SMG4 says. SMG3 glances at [Y/N] and back at SMG4. "Tell me SMG4. You ever wonder where memes come from?" SMG4 looked confused. " I thought they just appeared." SMG3 looked surprised. "Just appeared..?" SMG3 shakes his head. "Oh sweet naive SMG4. TERRANCE QUE THE LIGHTING!" Terrance makes the lighting go down. "In this universe of ours there's this thing called the meme life cycle." [Y/N] looked confused. "The meme life cycle..?" [she/he] comments. "When a meme first gets popular on the internet they materialize in your realm; the living realm. Now usually, you end up making videos and memes out of them. When a meme is put to work, they are happy. And naturally, after time, the meme eventually dies on the internet. And they'll transcend to The Internet Graveyard. Here in the internet graveyard I look after them until they become popular again. When they become relevant again, they go back to the living realm. And that's the meme life cycle!" SMG3 smiles. "Wait so what happens when I don't make memes out of them?" SMG4 asks curiously. "They come corrupted. A meme is only WILLINGLY to transcend if they've been looked after and are happy. And if a meme stays in any realm too long they'll become corrupted and wreck havoc." SMG3 was interrupted as Mario and the other knuckles were laughing. SMG4 throws a chair at Mario making him shut up. "So how do we fix this?" [Y/N] asks. SMG3 claps his hands and knuckles came and picked up Mario and SMG4 and threw them out as SMG3 lead [Y/N] outside. "Make him do his stupid job and make videos of it before both our realms are doomed. SMG3 turns to head back in. "SMG3?" [Y/N] asks. SMG3 turns and looks at [Y/N]. "Thank you.." SMG3 looked down and back at [Y/N]. "No problem." SMG3 shuts the door as [Y/N] turns to SMG4. "LETZ DO THIS!"

BOOK 02: SMG4 x READER [Genesis Arc] [GENDER NEUTRAL]Where stories live. Discover now