M stands for .....

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Alexis wakes up and do her daily routine, which is taking a shower and brushing her teeth. Alexis went to put her purple,black poka dots, two peiece swim suit on and then she put on her shorts and slip on her purple flip flops.
Alexis- Izzy are you almost finish getting dress, and did you call Yasmine and Bella to come to the beach with us at 1:00.

Izzy-yes I just gotta slip on my green flip flops.

Alexis-ok, let me call them to see if they ready to go.

Alexis called Yasmine.
Yasmine- hello
Alexis- are you guys ready.
Yasmine-yes, let meet up at the end of our street.
Alexis- Izzy let's go.
Izzy- I am coming.
Later they meet up at the end of the street, then they walked to the beach the beach was just a block away.

Bella- we made it

Izzy- yes time to swim.

Yasmine- wait what if someone sees our you know...

Izzy- our what ?

Bella- our tails dum dum
Izzy- ohhhhh
Alexis let's go being that rock and run so fast and hurry up in the water.
Izzy-lets go
Bella- yeah
All the girls went into the ocean they started swimming deep in the ocean, yasmine waves to the girls to show them what she found, she found a locket that had a picture of a girl that look like alexis and yasmine age, and had magic maricle carved into the locket.all of a sudden the locket start moving and yasmine let it go and all the girls went after it when they finally tried to get the locket it went into a cave.
Alexis- its a moon pool.
Yasmine- so cool
Izzy-look you guys theirs
a staircase that comes out the moon pool.
Bella-lets go up there.
The girls swim to the staircase and soon as they act like they were gonna walk up they legs appeared.

Izzy- I know right

The girls walked around the cave the cave had gold pearl necklace earrings diamonds treasure and rings.

Alexis- hey you guys I found four rings on this rocky shelf underneath the this moonliglht.

Yasmine- I know what they are.

Izzy, Bella- what are they.

Yasmine- moon rings for mermaids

Alexis-thats so cool let's each take one their for mermaids right.

Bella,izzy,yasmine- yeah

So the girls put the rings on and all of a sudden.......

Hey you guys I hope u like this chapter but I really didn't I really didn't work to hard in this chapter but I'll do better next time.but I left a cliff hanger so stay tuned to find out what happens to the girls. Vote and comment and go look at my new book its called the fake best friend its good so go vote and comment on that book see you guys in the next chapter.

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