i love you 🔫

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this draft has been sitting here for like a year

anyway look what i found sitting here

"your mom is nice" you say insensitively.

"i don't have a mom, dumbass"


kags pov <3

y/n woke up to see me standing in her room with eggs, bacon and toast on a plate.

"what are you doing in my room?"

she took one look at me before turning onto her side and dozing off again.

i scoff, and girls say chivalry is dead (i heard that from yachi). look what they do when it's given to them!?

"y/n, i cooked you breakfast!"

i continued standing there as she silently laid there like a lazy bitch.

"you klutzy piece of dirt" i murmured to myself before walking over to the side of her bed, sitting down next to her peaceful state.

my girlfriend raised one eyebrow and sniffed with her eyes closed. "what's that smell?"

i sighed to myself. this girl is really stupid.

"breakfast" 😐

she raised up her hand and wafted the scent to herself, trying to bring the scent closer to her nose and she continued sniffing.

"stop that. you look like a dog" i comment, unamused that the food on the plate became cold.

thank the asahis, she opened her eyes and sluggishly reclined on her pillow to face me.

i was excited to see what she thought of the food.

but instead of reaching for the fork and spoon, she took the two slices of bread.

looking at me dead in the eye, she placed each slice on one side of my head and smushed them to my face.

"idiot sandwich"

i don't think i've ever frowned so much in my life. i give her the blankest stare i've ever mustered.

she tilts her head and chuckles before biting into the toast.

as she munches on the toast, she takes one look at the food on the plate. "did you cook this"

"yes" i am very proud of myself.

"how do i know i won't die of food poisoning?"

i smiled at her reassuringly "i'm a good cook"


"tobio, the eggs are burning?" miwa shouts.

"no they're not. they are cooking!"

"then why are they black?"


after she finishes her breakfast, she places the plate onto the table in her room before walking over to on her bed.

lowkey | tobio kageyama ༄ؘ ˑ Where stories live. Discover now