Chapter Seventeen

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With my emotional dam spewing out anger I slip quietly down a hatch in the North - East corner of the roof. Spirit follows right behind me with Misty and Storm in tow. I reach the floor fairly quickly; I forgot I didn't really need to climb down.

Distant memories seem really close as I walk to the door of the closet that conceals the hatch; so close yet so far. My mind goes into survival mode to start with as I peak round the door with one hand holding a pistol and the other ready to grab a dagger. I breathe a sigh of relief as I realise that no one's there and I start walking a familiar path from what I memorised on the map and where I've actually walked with Al.

I slip into a corridor with room after room with doors that look exactly the same. I lose count along the way and absently wander into the wrong one. I don't remember this room, maybe they increased the security on their 'experiments' after my refusal to conform to their demands.

The far wall is covered in dark gates and I can hear whimpering from a few, snarls from others. I approach the one directly ahead of me. None of the light from outside disturbs this one, but I can tell someone is hiding there. Rather, someone is being kept prisoner here.

I approach with caution and let a flame stutter on my finger tip. As I peer through the bars I notice a hunched shape but my burning finger doesn't provide enough light. As I let my whole hand burn brighter I notice Spirit and Storm keeping watch whilst Misty stands beside me; her muscles are taught and she's ready to spring.

My hand now illuminates the whole cell and I notice a young girl curled up in the corner. Her wide eyes peer through her red hair and I notice a small smile appear on her face. I'm transfixed by her brilliant blue eyes for so long that I don't notice her moving until she's standing right by the bars.

I nearly yelp out of surprise but I restrain myself and snap out of my trance. I gently reach through the bars and burn her shackles off her wrists, being careful not to harm her. She doesn't seem fazed by it, but she keeps staring at me. Her eyes are full of wonder.

I communicate with her in my head and she seems glad about the interaction. Her name is Jewel, she's been implanted with a cheetah gene which they want to use to make her shape-shift into a fully grown cheetah; but it drained her too much last time they did it. Like me she has the power to talk telepathically.

She points to some keys over near the door and I quickly get the message. Misty rushes over and I'm soon unlocking Jewel's cell. Misty seems to like Jewel and I think the feeling is mutual.

As I turn to the door to find our path again, Jewel moves with lightning speed to stop me. She's pleading with me to let the others out, and it's true I did almost forget. I unlock the other cells and whilst four go rushing out to find a way out, after me giving them rough directions, two decide to stay with us.

One of those staying is a jittery character who won't talk much but fiddles constantly and whose eyes are wide with fear. Jewel explains that Holly was there before the rest of them and is about 18 whereas she and the boy are about my age.

As Holly fidgets, the boy, Mark, reassures her. Holly only seems to listen to him when her name is said, otherwise she'll only respond to 'Nutty'. She keeps muttering under her breath and Jewel just sighs and gives her a hug; this also seems to calm her down. Whilst Nutty is concentrating on Jewel, I have time to be quickly introduced to Mark.

Mark is tall and muscular but he is well built. I may be muscular but I'm skinny unlike him. He has a scar running over his right eye. Mark's hair is rather curly and a hazel colour like his eyes. He has a cheeky grin and eyes that sparkle and remind me a little of Al, but Mark is also slightly intimidating.

Spirit gives a low growl meaning we need to move. I quickly explain the plan to the others and give them the option of backing out; but deep down, before they answer, I know they'll stick close no matter what. Nutty seems strangely eager to get going and before long we're stepping out into the corridor again and we're on the run.

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