Chapter 6 - George's Plan

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Theodora woke up with a headache. She needs to stop sneaking into Fred and George's room and stay there – working on products – until 4 in the morning. It was a good distraction, it made her forget about how painful it was to be friends with Bill.

Only a few more days until the end of summer and they can return to Hogwarts. She couldn't wait if she was completely honest. Not only because it's going to be easier for them to test the products but also because being around Bill was getting harder and harder each day.

A few more days and he'll go back to Egypt and she can forget about him again – as much as she possibly can.

Working with the twins – being so busy – made her summer go by so fast and with everything that has been going on between her and Bill, she was happy it was going to be over. Next time, she will just decline the twins' invitation to come to the Burrow. They will see each other plenty while running a shop together anyway.

She was surprised that there was no commotion this morning. Nobody was running down the stairs, nobody was making Mrs. Weasley mad. It was peaceful and rather nice.

Theodora put on a pair of shorts and a tank top and made her way downstairs. She couldn't wait to eat some breakfast.

The second she got to the lower floor she heard Bill talking to Molly. She stopped, stretched her arms out, and took a deep breath. A few more days of hearing his sweet voice – the voice that gave her butterflies.

"Good morning, dear. What would you like for breakfast?" Mrs. Weasley greeted her with the warmest smile.

"Some eggs and bacon if it's not much trouble." Theodora yawned and walked toward the cupboard with plates.

She took one out, stood next to Molly, and waited for her eggs. She could feel a pair of eyes on her and when she looked over her shoulder she saw Bill leaning on his elbow, watching her. He quickly got back to his food when she caught him and she turned around to see if her eggs were done.

The gesture usually made her giggle as she often saw Bill observing her like that but at this point, it was just painful. That didn't mean she could stop her cheeks from turning red. She wanted to sigh but held it in her mouth because she didn't want Mrs. Weasley to ask any questions – especially not in front of her children.

Molly put the food on her plate and Theodora took some bread out of the basket and made her way toward the table. She giggled when she saw Fred snoozing on his arm, extended on the table.

Because her hands were full, she tried to pull out a chair with her foot but before she could do so, Bill stood up and pulled it out for her. Then he took her plate, placed it down for her, and gestured for her to sit.

She sat without saying anything and Bill brought the chair – along with her – closer to the table. She didn't know what to say. She was speechless. What was he doing?

"You look tired, I thought you could use some help." He whispered to her and smiled sheepishly.

"Th-thank you." She replied in a rusty voice, still amazed by his gesture.

She took a sip of the orange juice Mrs. Weasley poured for her and looked at Charlie who rolled his eyes at Bill and looked rather annoyed. Perhaps he and the twins finally gave up on teasing Bill.

It was about time.

Not that Theodora minded it – she found it amusing – and she couldn't deny that she appreciated the boys trying to bring Bill's attention to her. The twins knew she fancied Bill and Charlie probably wasn't far behind but it was more than obvious that Bill wasn't interested in her in that way no matter how much they teased him and she didn't blame him. She understood that you can't force attraction and it was for the best anyway.

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