⚘Dear Love

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Dear Love,
It's ok, take your time
I am here for you.

Love is complicated to understand
But it's the easiest thing to do.
To love and to be loved
Isn't it a beautiful feeling.

Dear Love,
Tell me what's bothering you and I'll tell you what's bothering me too!
Let's talk and try to understand each other.

Dear Love,
It's ok if you don't feel like saying everything, take your time
I understand but don't hide your emotions from me forever.

Together let's work it out!

I am here for you
Let's love in the soft melody of this sweet thing called love.

Dear Love,
It's ok even if we fight,
Just never hide your feelings from me.
Let's fight and let's resolve it completely!

Dear Love,
Let's never break the bridge, keep communicating with me because I want to hear you forever.

Dear Love,
Let's not give up too fast,
Atleast give it a try so that we have no regrets in the end.

Dear Love,
Let's try to understand each other
And dance with the colours of this beautiful thing called love.



💗Thank you for Reading🍀
🌈 Let's stay connected🌸
💜Because the magic is in me and the magic is in you🦄

💗Thank you for Reading🍀🌈 Let's stay connected🌸💜Because the magic is in me and the magic is in you🦄

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