Strangers with memories/n.r

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"This is y/n y/l/n,she will be the newest avenger, She can control the 4 elements so don't piss her off" Fury announces and I can't help but laugh at the last bit.

I looked at who I did not want to see for the rest of my life and she stares at me with no emotion. "Hey I'm steve ,over there is Wanda,Sam, and everyone else can introduce themselves" the blond haired man speaks and a echos of "hi's" and hellos" bounce off of the room, I say hello to everyone and Natasha stands up, I gulp still not ready to meet her since are past and it was only 2 years ago it's still quite fresh to me.

"Romanoff" she sticks out her hand waiting for mine to take it but I just roll my eyes "stop the games Natalia,let's not pretend we don't know each other" I say trying to be as nice as I possibly can to the women that cause me much pain. Everyone was taken aback I used her first name and her eyes widen that I used that in her work place "fine,nice to see you again ...y/n" she says,trying to hide the guilt behind her face but she is doing a poor job. "So how do you two know each other" Sam asks, Nick steps out of the room as he was the main cause for it "she was a hook-up nothing more, nothing less" Natasha says before i could let out the truth,that we dated for 3 years and a bit and I was falling In love as I thought she was but turns out I was a stupid mission Fury sent her on.

"Is this true y/n" I hear a Slovakian accent and I know that she knows that it's not true "no,but than it depends what side of the story you hear" I say and I see Nat put her head down and walk out of the room slamming the door behind her, "sorry guys,I'm not normally like this all hot headed and a bitch,it's just that we have a lot of memories and I'm kinda getting the chance to get her back for what she did" I say giving an apologetic smile, "ahh don't worry about her,she is always storming off and slamming door when she doesn't get her way" the billionaire speaks and everyone does a low chuckle, "so need help moving in?" Wands says putting a strong hand around my body "yeah I guess it would be a lot easier for me if you helped" I say smiling at her actions.She nods and goes to the truck to pick up boxes.

"so what room am I in ?" I ask carrying in a couch not breaking a sweat "next to your favourite red head" I groan at her sentence, "I'm not happy about that,who else ?" I ask curious, "oh and me,which is totally amazing because I want to paint with someone and in the box I'm carrying,you do have a lot of paint supplies" she says opening my bedroom door. My eyes widen at the size of it "Damn it's big" I say and go to the bathroom to be more shocked how nice it is. "Wandz" I call out her name and I am met with her beautiful face "I like that nickname" she says and I chuckle "when Nat came back after summer 2019 was she different in the way she acted " I say wanting to know how much I impacted her.

"now you mention it,she never came out of her room and once she did you knew she had been crying and her nightmares got worse,but then Bruce went to her and probably had killer sex" she says eating chocolate "want some" she says handing the chocolate bag to me, I take a hand full and speak again "so what are they a thing" I ask and she looks at me with a sympathetic smile "well no not officially but probably will tell everyone soon,no offence but they are not a good match" she states laying down on my bed "mhm whys that ?" I ask growing curious, "well Natasha doesn't suit with a guy like him, and he is always all over dr.Cho, now they need to get together, They would be so cute" she says and I hear another voice enter are conversation "thanks Wanda" I hear Natasha saying pissed before walking away, next thing I know Wanda is running out the door to catch up "No Nat, ITS NOT WHAT I MEANT" I could hear her shouting  from the halls, I giggle to myself before standing on my two feet and unpacking boxes

2 hours later-

"Dinner is all ready" the A.I announces and I stop playing the x-box with the team and walk to the table,I look for my seat and of course opposite Nat, I sit down and I look down after seeing Natasha looking at me, "so y/n did you finish unpacking" Clint asks eating the pizza. "No I still have 2 boxes left" I say and Wanda who is too my left speaks up "oh fury wants you after dinner,so we will all unpack them" she says and I nod not really listening,dinner goes by and everyone is making jokes and having a good time except Natasha.

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