Chapter 9

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I woke with a yawn and a reaching stretch. Looking over at the window I saw that it was pouring out. I groaned and then turned my head to look at the other side of the bed. Nex was nowhere to be seen. Where was he?

Then a folded piece of paper caught my eye. I reached over and picked it up off of the table. Going out for a bit. Will be back later tonight, it read, in a squiggly black font.

I sighed, slightly disappointed and dropped the paper back down next to the glass of water. I fell back down, flat on my back with my arms out at my sides, and closed my eyes. I focused on the sound of the rain thumping heavily against the roof of the house. The sound of it dripping from the branches outside.

Thump Thump Thump

My eyes shot open as I sat up and stared at the door. I momentarily forgot about the small slip of paper and hoped Nex was about to come in, but my face fell as I watched the door open slowly. One of Nex's friends was on the other side.

He was the darker skin of the two friends that I saw. He was also the nicer one out of the two. Or at least that's what I hoped.

He smiled at me as he took a step into my room. "I made you some breakfast. It's down in the kitchen."

"Where did Nex go?" I asked.

"He just went out to get a few things." He stepped off to the side and gestured for me to pass him. "Come. We don't want it to get cold."

I bit my lip slightly in thought. I really didn't feel like going with a complete stranger, even if they are friends with Nex. But on the other hand, I was extremely hungry and curious about what this man made.

I swung my legs over the side of the bed and stood up reluctantly. I passed the man on my way out and walked down the hallway towards the staircase, he followed closely behind me. We walked in silence until I got to the hallway that led into the kitchen.

"Mmmm. That smells amazing." I said to him while my stomach let out a growl.

He let out a small laugh as we walked into the kitchen. "That's good. It means I did a good job."

I walked over to the plate and looked down at the decent sized omelette. It smelt and looked absolutely heavenly. The cut up veggies and pieces of meat in it made my mouth water like crazy. Without another word uttered at the man, I picked up the fork and dug into the eggie goodness.

He let out another laugh, this one a little bigger than the last. "It's been forever since I made anything for someone."

I swallowed my bite before talking. "I love it. Thank you."

"Good." He said with a smile that showed his straight white teeth. They almost glowed against his skin.

"So... what's your name?" I asked before taking another massive bite.


I chewed and swallowed. "I'm Hazel."

"Yes. I know."

I looked down at my plate and at the few pieces of omelette I had left. I wasn't sure what to say to him.

"Uhm-" James also looked to be struggling with what to talk about. An idea seemed to pop into his head and he was about to open his mouth to say what it was, but then got interrupted.

"What are you doing?"

I turned to look at the entrance, already knowing who was there by the sound of his voice. I was met with the blond haired, scar covered guy.


A.N. There's another story I've been working on if you guys want to read it. It's called "Devil's Creation" I've been working on it a little more than this one, it's also kind of similar to this story in some parts. I also find that story better written than this one. Not quite sure how I managed that... but anyways please check it out  :)

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