Return to The Cave

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It was now dusk and you were slouching against the Goddess statue waiting for Link.

'The probability we will find any trace of Zelda is pretty much zero. But there is a chance we'll run into Ghirahim.' You put your hand on your chin thought. 'But didn't Link say he just fought Ghirahim? Then I highly doubt he will show himself again so soon- especially if both of us are there.'


"Oh Link." You looked up and greeted him. "Are you ready to go?"

"Yeah, you?"

"No loose ends. Let's head out."

With that, you both set off back to Ancient Forest and circled around the portal.

"So where too?!" Link raised his voice over the flapping of his loftwing.

"There." You pointed down. From above, you could see the forest layout and it was easy to spot the river. "If we follow that, it should lead to the cave I was at. It wasn't too far from the big tree- only thirty minutes. So that should put it by that shoal."

"You lead." Link gave you an affirmative nod.

"Okay." You both then pulled into the cloud break and landed on the sand.

"I don't see the cave around." Link said as he brushed himself off.

"It's down that way." You pointed behind you briefly. "But I want to explore this area first. There should be a goblin camp around here- there." You saw a large pot and began jogging in that direction. 'I wonder if I can learn anything about my missing time if I look around the area I fell to.'

"Sure." Link tailed behind you.

You looked around the camp to be sure it was the same one. It seemed familiar but it was hard to tell because your memory was foggy.

'The embankment is muddy and it has the set up. Yet why aren't there any goblins around? It's dark out.' You eyed the simple wooden structures and fish carcasses. Then you caught a waft of something and couldn't help but wrinkle your nose in disagreement. 'And what is with this smell?- it's putrid.'

Less than a minute later you started to hear a slight ringing in you ears. 'Not this again.'

"Hey Link..." You turned around to him and raised a brow in confusion. He had his sword in front of him in some sort of dousing position. "What are you doing?"

"Looking for traces of Zelda." The blonde responded in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Right... I'm just gonna have another quick look." You gave once last glance around the goblin camp. 'Well it doesn't really look like there's much around here. We should probably get going. But let me just make sure.'

You wandered a bit, inspecting the wooden platforms and burnout campfires. It wasn't until you approached the pot in the middle that the lingering unpleasant smell grew noticeably stronger.

'No way this is just fish and mud. Something is definitely rotten.' You put a hand over your nose as you looked inside.

You couldn't believe what you were seeing. Portions of a decomposing skeleton floating around in a black ooze. The skull was smashed in and you could see pieces of torn clothing.

'There shouldn't have been anyone else down here.'

Then you saw a pattern you recognized on one of the scraps of cloth.

'These clothes...' You stood holding your nose over the large pot. 'But I can't really see them with all this gunk.'

You eyed the torn fabric.

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