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"Huh? Where's Taka-chan?" You are in the hospital to visit Takara. She's not in bed so you're confused. "Excuse me" you called doctor. "Um, is Yokuzaki Takara already aware?" "Didn't her mother tell you?" You were shocked when he said that. He sighed. "Takara-san has been conscious since last week. She's been out of the hospital since yesterday" Yesterday? That's when Toudou and Mai. "But she is believed to have lost her memory," he continued.


"Your name?" The doctor asked Takara. "Yokuzaki Takara" she replied. "Who is this?" He pointed at his mother as she looked at her. "Humans" all are shocked. "Takara, this is your mother" her mother seemed to want to cry. "Mom?"

"Y/n-chan.." she mumbled.

End of flashbacks

"I kind of heard her say your name. But I'm not sure" you almost felt relieved. "I understand, thank you" you bowed to him and left the hospital.

Takara's PoV

"Mother, who is this?" I asked my mom as I showed her a picture of my childhood together with someone. She gasped and looked the other way. "That's your friend" she simply answered. I'm humming. "Tell her name" I asked her. "I forgot her name" she continued chopping vegetables. Is this a lie? "How about Y/n-chan? I think this is her" she gasped again. This time she dropped the knife from her hand. "Didn't yo-you lose your m-memory?" She stuttered. I sighed.

"You lied to me, useless human" a tattoo appeared on my forehead and I approached her.

"T-takara? What appeared on your forehead?" She's scared. I pulled out a piece of paper that read 'Dead'. "You know.. What's curse?" 

"Curse? What do you mean?" Her whole body trembled. "I don't have time. You will be my first victim" I taped the paper to her forehead. I sat in a chair as I watched her in pain with the paper. And lastly, I built a katana with my cursed energy and cut her neck.

The tattoo disappeared from my forehead. "Sorry, mom.. I'm starting to hate humans.. And that Okkotsu Y/n" suddenly Suguru appeared from behind me. "Nice job, you killed your first victim" he patted my shoulder. "Where is Mahito-kun?" I didn't see him. "He's at school"

...? "School? He's studying?" I don't understand. "No.. He's on his mission there. He's with a human" he almost stuttered. "Human?"

"His name is Junpei"

Normal PoV

You took a taxi to Takara's house. Once you get to her house, you see someone familiar. Gojo-sensei. "Gojo-sensei? What are you doing here?" He looks at you. "Oh Y/n, and you, what are you doing here?"

"This is my bestfriend's house. I've wanted to visit her since she's free from the hospital" he was silent. "What's wrong?" You're confused. "This house has a curse" Huh? He opened the door of the house and we both went inside. You see the kitchen covered in blood. You gasped. "Taka-chan-!" You see, it wasn't Takara, but her mother died with her head was cut. You see a piece of paper that says 'Dead' stuck to her forehead. Gojo-sensei took the paper. "This aura, it's like it's from a special-grade cursed spirit" you were shocked as you looked at him. "Special-grade? Don't tell me.. Taka-chan was kidnapped?"

"You go home first. Let me finish thi-" "I want to find Taka-chan!" before you left the house, he grabbed your arm. "Calm down. Are you sure she was kidnapped? They are a curse. There's no way they want to kidnap her" you look at below.

"I-I don't know" your tears falling down.

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