Echo Location

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You were listening to some background music with a book in your hand as you read. As you read, you heard the faintest possible vibration come through the ground via your quirk. Your power allowed you to use echolocation to communicate with some people or animals. It was pretty cool, but this time...this time it felt different. Like, someone just screamed for help. But what were you to do? You were a regular high school student. Not a pro hero or a pro hero in training.

You heard the blast once again. You closed your book and rolled off of your bed. You glanced around some more, trying to figure out who it was that was attempting to contact you. Or...were they even attempting to contact you. It could have been a massive distress call with someone expecting to hear it. Still, when you heard the pulse again, deep down you knew, you didn't have a choice. You grabbed your phone and quickly dialed the police.

After a few seconds of it ringing, finally, did someone pick up and asked you what was happening.

(Y/N): I know it might sound crazy, but I'm picking up a call.

Police: A call? Sir, you know this is a phone, right?

(Y/N): No, no. It's my quirk. I can sense people. I'm feeling a massive surge of sound somewhere in the city.

Police: Sir, a feeling is not concrete evidence.

(Y/N): But it's my quirk!

Police: I apologize, sir. We will alert local heroes Thank you for your concern.

The police hung up and you left, flabbergasted. You shook your head and felt the vibrations again. You had to do something. You sighed and slowly lowered yourself down onto your hands and knees and placed your fingertips on the ground. While you weren't training to be a pro hero, doesn't mean you didn't get practice to control your powers.

You sighed a little as you felt the vibrations again. The signal was obvious. It was a distress call. About 2,000 meters away from you. There was some smoke rising in that area. That means a battle. Survivors.

You grabbed your jacket and bolted out the door. You began to run down the stairs of your building, hopping down a few steps to make it outside. You heard the vibrations again and quickly knelt down and scanned around. You felt the vibrations again and sent a signal back to the source. Again, you took off running.

You pushed a few people from the crowd and continued to move inside the area. You saw police were pushing a crowd back. You knew there was someone in there. You ran over to a wall and pressed your fingertips against the wall and sent off a signal. You heard someone respond. You glanced over to the officers and back up to the building. You knew you had to act and quickly. You ran to the back of the alley and sighed as you saw the fire escape. You were about to grab it but quickly stopped yourself from moving.

(Y/N): This is insane. I mean, seriously. Come on, (Y/N). But you did call the police.

You gripped your head again as you felt the vibrations again. You looked back out and sighed to yourself again.

(Y/N): Alright, alright. Come on, (Y/N). You got this.

You jumped up and grabbed onto the ladder and began to climb up the tower. You saw the flames around the fourth floor. You knew your target. You ditched your jacket as you got higher to the floor. Once you got to it you took another deep breath. You then slammed your eyes shut and dived in through the window. You rolled along the ground and looked around. You cupped your hands around your mouth and screamed out.

(Y/N): Send the vibrations again!

After a few seconds, you felt the ground rumble a little bit. You darted forward and slide along the ground when you located the source. You saw a girl that looked to be about your age underneath a massive beam. Beside her, a large man you recognized as the hero Death Arms. She looked at you and you both locked eyes for a brief second. You shook your head and regained some focus. You ran over to the beam and burned your hands as you made contact with the wood.

(Y/N): Is there anyone else?!

Girl: No one! Just us!

You nodded quickly as you began to pull. The girl got one leg up and began to push up with her spine. You began to pant as you pulled with all your might. You knew that if you gave in now, the girl would die. You couldn't allow that. You looked down as you saw the girl jab her hand into the beam.

Girl: Get away from the beam.

(Y/N): But you'll-

Girl: DO IT!

You moved your arms down a little bit to allowed her to slam her fist onto the beam. She closed her eyes and from a device along her wrist, a massive sound wave shot off. The beam fractured within seconds. The girl moved away from the beam and nodded at you. Together, you both lifted the wood and threw it away from Death Arms. The girl ran over and slowly picked the hero up. You ran in and joined her.

(Y/N): I can get him. You need to make a hole for us!

Girl: Good thinking. Think you can support him?

(Y/N): I can try. But we need that escape tunnel.

The girl nodded and ran over to a shattered window and wall. She placed her hands on it and released another massive sound wave. The wall shattered and broke wide open. You heard some screams as the crowd probably saw the building breaking apart. The girl ran over to you and helped carry Death Arms to the ledge. The crowd cheered and scream as they saw you two. Quickly, firefighters must have arrived as a ladder was raised just before you two.

A firefighter hopped out and grabbed Death Arms as you three were carried down to the ground. You coughed a few times, trying to get the smoke out of your lungs. You walked over to a telephone pole and leaned up against it and continued to cough more and more. You felt a hand on your back and it softly pats you as you coughed a little bit more. You glanced back and saw the girl from before. She placed her arm around you and she began to guide you to a nearby ambulance.

Girl: Come on. We need to get you to the hospital.

(Y/N): I'll be (coughs) I'll be fine. It's just the smoke.

Girl: No, you won't be. Now come along. Please.

(Y/N): I'm fine!

Despite your protest, you followed her and got into the ambulance with Death Arms. After a few hours, you were inside the hospital, getting your burns and lungs treated. Fortunately, the doctor said your lungs only had minor damage. Being inside that fire for such a short time was a blessing. The burn marks on the other hand not so much.

The scorched wood and raging infernos really did a number on your hands. You were lucky it wasn't any serious damage. Any more burns could have caused serious nerve damage. So, at the end of the day, you had gotten out of there with minimal damage. It was still enough to keep you hospitalized for a while.

One day while you were resting the door opened and you looked over and saw Death Arms and his female sidekick who had been there. She smiled at you as she walked in.

Girl: Hey. Nice to see you are alright.

(Y/N): Uh, yeah. Same to you.

Death Arms walked forward and bowed down to you slightly.

Death Arms: My Thanks. I apologize I put you in such a position.

(Y/N): It's alright. I just...acted on instinct.

Girl: Good work then. I haven't seen you around. You got to Ketsubutsu?

(Y/N): Oh, no. Just a regular high school.

Girl: Really? With a quirk like that, you should be in a hero program.

(Y/N): Wasn't really my style.

Girl: I understand. We just wanted to say thanks.

(Y/N): Of

Jiro: Kyoka. Kyoka Jiro.

(Y/N): Glad I could help then lady Jiro.

She blushed slightly and then nodded rapidly at you. Death Arms chuckled a little before he guided Jiro out of the room.

Death Arms: Thanks again, citizen.

You nodded back at the pro hero. And honestly...acting like a hero felt pretty good. Wait, where did she say she went to school?

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