Chapter 43 -Understanding

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"Understanding yourself deeply is the only permanent solution to all of your problems."

-Vivek Singh


Trevor's POV

It has been two days since my breakdown in front of Alana and to be honest, I've been feeling a whole lot better,

I felt the foreign feeling of being able to breathe and not suffocated by what life kept strangling me with.

I completely understood that letting things out and confiding in others were really important and to have Alana to rely on? Perfect.

Alana has also been improving so much.

She seems more herself...She's not as much tied down to fear as she was in the past.

She had one night terror yesterday but she did not have sleep paralysis. She just woke up screaming which was a great improvement from the past.

She managed to calm herself down by whispering, "It's not real...You're in a much better place." and "Stay strong".

I sat by silently, making my presence known if she needed me. She was getting more and more independent and she could also get herself back up after sudden flashbacks that would usually terrorise her to the point she would curl up in the corner of whatever room she was in.

I was so proud of how she has come and how far I managed to progress myself.

I really couldn't wait for what was in store for our future.


Alana's POV

It was time for the next session already and I have made up my mind.

I was going to open up about my past.

The abusive one.

The one haunted by one man that was supposed to love and cherish me.

The person that should have taught me how to face the world, not destroy the world for me.

I am ready.


"Hey Snowflake, ready for your session later? Nora texted me that she would be here in around 20." Trevor announced as he was washing the dishes.

I finished wiping the table and walked towards him, "Yea, I'm ready..."

There was a little hesitation in my voice because I was a little terrified at how I was going to open up.

I knew that Nora and Trevor won't think differently of me but would it be too deep and too I'm not sure...gory and horrific?

"What's wrong Snowflake?" Trevor asked nervously, quickly telling from the tone of my voice that I was unsure of something.

"Well...I want to open up about everything today...I'm not sure if I can..." I mumbled.

Trevor forced me to look at him in the eye and with the greatest conviction he advised, "Snowflake? If you're not ready, you don't have to do it. If you want to try, you are always welcome. You can do it at your own pace. We will always be by you."

Hearing Trevor's words made all the worries in my heart dissipate into nothing and I was really sure now.

There and then, I made a decision.


Trevor and I greeted Nora at the door and we walked together as a trio to the library for the session.

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