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A/n- hiya 🥶

A few days went by and you returned back to your home. You haven't gone to school. And you never returned back to the league. For the next couple of days you hid yourself away from the world and away from the responsibilities that were assigned to you. And ignoring every single text message and call that came from the ones you called the 'enemy'.

But to be honest with yourself, you still couldn't quite process everything. You had told Manami and Gentle of what happened and for the most part you told the truth.

That you had met your teacher at a club and that he was running after you. You missed the part where you said you slept with him but that wasn't meant to be important.

As you stared at your fluffy clouds and pretty butterflies that hung up on the ceiling. You had wished you could fly. To have wings like hawks or zero gravity for flight. You just wanted to soar. To see the world from a different perspective. But you were born quirkless. In a world where that's the weakest you can be.

*ring ring*

*ring ring*

You took your phone from the side of your face and looked at the Caller not realizing you accidentally pressed answer

"Oh shi-"


Holy shit that hurt.

"Yes...?who is it"

"What the hell do you mean"who is it" you disappear for fucking days and you can't even remember your best fucking friend bitch?"


"Hey umm to...."


You quickly got up realizing you almost gave up your identity real quick.


Sweat starting to pour out your face.

"Where. Have. Youuu.Beennn."

"I've. Been . Everywhere. Man"

"Hehehe okay okay but for real bitch where the fuck have you been. It's been a couple of days and last time I saw you we was at the club and yet I lost you."

"I've been busy Mina I had some personal things to take care of that's all."

"Well u better come back bitch because honestly I cant stand not having my bestie at school"

"I'll think about it nowww baiiiiii I got someee cleaninggg tooo doooo"

You hung up quickly not wanting to talk more before you accidentally say something stupid again

"Mhmh....I guess it won't hurt to go back one more day...would it?"

Time skip ~
U.A Hall Way

As you walk down the halls of UA you realized your really late. There's nobody in the halls. It's quiet. Too quiet...


You jumped a bit at hearing the unfamiliar voice but then quickly put your attention towards the one calling out towards you.


You said in your cheeky smile as you waved towards a boy with purple hair.

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