Oralie makes a speech, a test, and doom

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"WOAH," Oralie yelled obviously mad, "what did you say?!"

"Adoption plans for Sophie, we're sending her to a different family because you clearly can't raise her to her potential," Alina said. Okay she is definitely Mrs. Miller.

"My mom raised me just well, clearly the only problem in the room is you," Sophie said.

"Tell your daughter to apologize," Alina yelled at Oralie.

"No because she is right," Oralie said. "You don't get to just show up at the door unexpectedly to just take us away then take my own daughter away."

"Your daughter clearly wasn't raised right, we are giving her a proper home."

"No, guess what! Sophie had her best friend. She was raised and learned elvin by who? I did. I worked my butt off, so she could fit in. So, she could know I was here. She had her best friend Alex. You took that away too. She got bullied because she fell off a tree, guess who was there to comfort her. Me. I had the work of a single mother and she was amazing. I did that. You didn't so you don't get to decide where she goes!"

"I am a councilor!"

"I was one too!"

Oralie had tears running down her face as the others in the room were trying to figure out what just happened. 

"It was an out vote 9-3 that said put Sophie in a different home."

"Who were the three?"

"Kenric, Terik, and Bronte," Alina said.

As in the red head, and the elf with pointy ears.

"I do not believe in separating a child from their mother," Bronte said, "even if they were illegally in the forbidden cities. It is like separating an offspring from the mother and giving it to a different nest."

"Why don't we let Sophie decide where she goes," Kenric said kindly, "she's a child. She should decide where she goes since it's her life. She should get a say in this."

"Would you rather go to a loving family and have a mom and a dad or stay with Oralie," Alina asked harshly. She said her mom's name like it was a curse.

"I choose... my mom," Sophie said. She gave her mom and her mom hugged her back.

Alina scowled. Kenric and Bronte smiled. 

"Can she even do Telekinesis," Alina asked.

Oralie let go of Sophie and gave her a nod.

Sophie knew her limits.

She raised five glasses.

Alina rolled her eyes.

"What want to see channeling?"

Alina scoffed, "As if a kid your age can do that-"

She cut her off with the shattering of glass.

A shard almost hit Kenric but she caught mere inches from his face.

She brought the shard towards her and she caught it like it was a knife.

"She learned martial arts from Alex's dad," Oralie said plainly.

"What," Alina asked.

"Black belt, karate," she said, "some fencing."

Sophie shrugged.

"Any Karate lessons, hand to hand compact, sword fighting," she asked.

"You act like ... a goblin," Alina said insultingly.


"I pass her," Kenric said.

"I don't," Alina said. Stubborn.

It was left to Bronte.

"I'm impressed. You have my vote," he said.

Sophie smiled. Alina rolled her eyes.

"So you see, Alina. (OMG I'm turning this into a Dhar Mann aren't I dang it) I raised her as a single mom and I did great," Oralie said.

Alina rolled her eyes AGAIN!

"She did, I wouldn't be who I am if it weren't for my mom," Sophie said.

She hugged her mom. Her mother hugged back.

"Now she has to go to Elwin," Alina said.

"Who's Elwin," Sophie asked.

"He's a physician. He's going to do a quick physical on you," Fitz said.

"Fitz take her to Elwin," Alden told him, "Oralie stay we're going to talk about where you and Sophie are going to live."

Sophie looked at her mom like, are you crazy.

Nope no doctors.

Fitz took her out of the room and to her doom.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2021 ⏰

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