(22) The Void

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Hello! Nice to see you again!
Not too many words from me, I hope you like this chapter and a vote or comment would make my day. :D
Have a nice day or night :)


The door of the office slammed open as Clay stormed in, meeting a confused and shocked looking Darryl.

"Clay! Are you okay? It's 6 in the morning! You don't have to work today, you know that, right?"

Clay breathed heavily from his sprint, not sure how to reply to this question.
"I- George- no, it's-… they- they know-"

Darryl jumped up from his office chair and a folder he had just been holding fell to the floor.

The ROS ignored it and hurried to Clay's side, grabbing his arm.
"Okay, okay, sit down first."

Darryl lead him to the other chair in front of the desk and softly pushed him down.

"I'll bring you some water. Try to breathe deeply."
Clay tried as Darryl said but the longer he waited the more impatient he got.

When Darryl came back with a glass of water, put it on the desk and then sat down in his chair, Clay could not hold himself back anymore.

"I've been talking to George and he asked me about the Rebellion but of course I denied that I had any connection to them, but then he told me that they know about the underground passageways and-"

"Wait, wait, wait, what? They know?"
Darryl stared at him with wide, concerned eyes.

Clay shrugged, not willing to stop his story.
"That's what he said, apparently they're watching the Rebellion for quite some time now. You have to move!"

Darryl nodded, slightly biting his lip. 
"At least we know this early enough."

"He also said that the Pretiosi suspect several people from the sections to have connections to the rebels."

Darryl ran his fingers through his hair, hectically scribbling something on a piece of paper.

"Darryl, is it true that there are rebels in the other sections? How many are there?"

The green eyes that met him when Darryl looked up were filled with an unfamiliar, desperate glowing.

Clay immediately felt bad for the decision he made.
They needed his help. They were his friends. Could he just leave them alone?

"Yes, there are some. I don't know all of them, as a security measure."
Clay nodded, unsure of how to present his decision to Darryl.

His ROS must have assumed that the previous information had not been all.
"What else is there? Clay, you're really pale."

"Yeah well- you know about the Rebellion…"
He could not do that. Could he?

Darryl looked at him expectantly.
"Yes? What about the Rebellion?"

"I-… I want to quit."

Darryl stared at him in disbelief.
"What do you mean quit? You can't quit! We are all in this together!"

Clay looked down at his hands, trying to find a way to explain it to Darryl without telling him everything about his feelings for George.

The feelings… another topic he was not entirely sure about. 
He felt his face heat up and hoped that Darryl did not notice.

His ROS looked at him with narrowed eyes, trying to understand his sudden mood change.

"What about the war front? It's all a lie, you need to help us to spread the truth to everyone!"

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