i dont even know or care anymore...

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Now I don't care know what to do about those nights mares anymore and I don't care but this one is a bit different no but a lot more different and here it is:

I was in a really dark room there was candles everywhere there was something on my mouth so I couldn't speak and I was tied up then it was blank but when it wasn't there we're a lot of people around me I don't know what they we're doing to me but it hurt and a lot I dreamed but my scream was mufeled because of the thing on my mouth and I cloudnt move

That was my dream before I woke up my my brother I was all sweatty and cold i think was sleep poraless but it was different it felt real well are on are way back to the beach and I don't think am sleeping tonight and kinda freaked out by this I mean night terrors don't bother me that much but this is scary I will update you if anything happens

But anyways that's all for now hope you have a good day/night

Bye pups

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