Chapter Twenty Five : The Ball p.3

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A/n : thank you to mylove_Niall and X1nmoo for the ideas 💕

Y/n's POV:

"Holy cow Callum you did amazing up there!" I congratulated him. He had just finished his song for the night and seamed pretty pleased with himself.

"I'm honestly just glad you pushed me to do it. I had alot of fun." He laughed.

"Yeah well, I'm amazing I think we've all established that." I flipped my hair behind my shoulders and grinned.

"Always with the over confidence." He rolled his eyes jokingly.

"Oh shush! You're one to talk."

"Yeah yeah alright. Let's go."

I laughed. "Why? Looking for someone?"

"What? No..."

"Just go and flirt with them already I'm going to get something to eat anyway. I'm starving!"

He rolled his eyes jokingly and groaned. "Fineee."

I smiled and walked back to the table. It still had some foods and drinks left over but most of them where gone after everyone came back from the dance floor hungry. I picked up some bite sized sandwiches aswell as a couple other things and ate them quickly.

"They're good right?" Percy smiled.

"Mmm hmm." I tried to say with a mouthful of food.

He laughed and smiled brightly. I stared at him in adoration. He wore a simple suit with some small adjustments made around his chest to fit him nice and snug, his tie hung loose a little from dancing and his eyes sparkled with joy. His normally kept hair was ruffled up a little and a single strand hung down from his face.

I instinctively pulled the stand from his face and tucked it behind his ear. A blush crawled along his cheeks at the warmth of my hand against his face.

"Uh...sorry. You just had a loose strand." I stammered, slightly embarrassed.

"It's no problem." He smiled. "Hey I was actually uh... wondering if-"

His scentence was interrupted by a boy walking over and introducing himself to me. "Hey Y/n." He said.

I recognized him as Liam. I'd seen him a couple times around school and he sat next to me in Charms but until now, we'd never talked.

"Uh...hi?" I tried to smile.

"Oh right sorry. I'm Liam, we sit next to each other in Charms?" I nodded.

"Right so I wanted to ask if you wanted to dance?" He brought out his hand from his side as a gentle offering for me to take his.

I quickly looked over to Percy and saw him glaring at Liam not-so-subtly. "Uh...can you tell me later possibly?" I asked him.

"Yeah yeah problem." He chuckled nervously and shot Liam other glare before facing the table.

I turned back to Liam. "Ok sure, I'd love to dance." He smiled and I took his hand.

Liam quickly pulled me onto the dance floor just in time for a simple slow dance and we started to spin around. He was actually a surprisingly good dancer and twirled me around a couple times, only accidentally stepping on my feet once.

Percy's POV:

I sighed and turned back to the table. Merlin why is it when I finally have the guts to ask Y/n to dance we get interuppted?!

I rolled my eyes. So what? She can dance with whoever she wants, It's not like I'm her boyfriend or something. I don't own her! So why do I feel so...angry? And not at her but at him! Just the thought alone gave me pure rage.

My God what is wrong with me?! Why does the thought of Y/n dancing with some other guy bother me so much? Do I- do I like her?

"What are you so glum about?" Oliver spoke. He took a glass of juice from the table infront of me and lent against it, eyeing me questioningly.

"Ugh why are you here?" I grumbled.

"Woah calm down, just asking why you're starting at the table like it's murdered your family or something." He raised his hands up in defence.

"Nothing it's just...nothing." I wanted to tell someone about it, believe me I really did want to but- but I couldn't. Oliver was really one of the few people I could talk to without judgement but I just...couldn't tell him for some reason. Maybe that reason was, out of fear?

No Percy, that's just stupid. She's just some girl you've talked to a couple times. Maybe you're just sick from the food or something, I thought. I sighed deeply. "Don't worry about it."

"Oh for Merlin's sake Percy, I know you! You're practically my brother at this point and I can tell when you're hiding something from me." He argued.

"Fine, ok! I am. I'm just...afraid I guess." I rubbed my arm nervously and looked down to the ground.

"What about?" He pressed on.

"Just that... you'll think it's silly or that, I'm just overthinking this and that I'm acting stupid or that you'll judge me for it-"

"Let me stop you right there." Oliver interuppted. "I won't do such a thing, I promise. You can tell me."

"Fine." I sighed. "I sorta...I'm friends with this girl and we haven't been friends for long but for some reason I get very angry when guys try to hang out with her and right now when some Liam guy asked her to dance and I- I just got mad at him." I sighed.

Oliver laughed a little and I glared at him. "This is not funny I am seriously confused!" I said.

"Oh Percy you like her." He grinned.

"What- no I don't!"

"Yes you doooo."

"No I don't!"

"If you're so sure then explain why you get so mad when she hangs out with other guys!" Oliver stated.

"I-" Honestly, I didn't have a response to that.

He only grinned in triamph. "See? I told you so."

"Humph! Mine maybe I do but so what?! It's not like she'd ever like me back!"

"I don't know Percy." He looked over to Y/n on the dance floor. She was twirling around with the guy who'd asked her to dance and her hair was flowing in all directions. A bright smile shone apon her face as they continued to dance. She turned back to smile at me and waved. "I'm not so sure about that Perc."


Word count: 1136

Ok so today I literally just finished the last episode of She-Ra and I kid you not I've never cried to hard in my life!

I literally had a full in mental breakdown but I love it so much!! I would 1000% recommend it's the best show I've watched...well ever!

It's literally so well written and gave me some inspiration for this chapter.

I hope you enjoy! 💕

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