How I Met Your Mother: Kim Edition

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After the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the members all paid a visit to their hometowns and families for some vacation time. Jimin and Jungkook went back to Busan, Yoongi and Taehyung travelled to Daegu, Jin waltzed his way back  to Gwacheon and RM drove (safely) back to Ilsan.  Meanwhile, Seo remained at the heart and center of Seoul, because that's where her parents resided. Following a couple of days shopping with her mother and sister as well as kicking her father and two brother's arses in football (not the american kind), the Kim family as a unit went out for dinner the third night with some extended family, including Mina's sisters and Hyun-woo's older brother and sister. 

A bottle of soju later and in high spirits, the Kim family tradition of exposing one another began

"So Jongho-oppa, why don't yo- *hiccup yo-you tell them about your new girlfriend?"

"Man are you drunk Seo."

"I k-know that So-won so shaddap and let this hoe answer."


"It's fine Mina, she ought to grow up some day with her vocab."

"Fine unnie, also Jongho when did yo-?"

"I have the very same question."

"Sigh this younger brother of mine is an idiot, doesn't even know about this children's love lives!"

"Shut up Hyun-tae, ur not much better. But yes please continue"

"Damn fine. *shows the family a picture of Chungha and him"

"Ah so he really wants to ride ride it eh?"

"Say that again So-won and I'll tape your mouth shut."

"Do it coward."

"Oh you two never stop bickering, even as children."

"I know and it drives me nuts."

"Oh be quiet Mina, you should be glad you have so many wonderful children."

"AnYwAyS, I approve."



"Oh-h I-I have another question."

"Her alcohol tolerance is low like yours Mina"

"Zip it unnie at least I could get out of bed the morning after the first time I did it with my husband."

*Roaring laughter from the extended family

"Wait wha-"

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