Wasssssup bitches!

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-y/n POV-
"TEJ!!!!! I swear to god I'm gonna KILL you!"
I yell as I walk into one of his private meetings with his crew.
"What are you doing here?!" He asked with anger and nervousness laced in his voice.
"I'm here to beat your ass!!! You think I wouldn't fucking notice my car missing?!" I asked. Soooooo previously my brother stole my car for one of his 'missions' and it was never returned and I swear if there is so much as a SCRATCH this boy is gonna be crippled. (If you or someone you know does have a crippling disability I'm sorry if this offended you!)
"oh shi- I SWEAR I'll buy you a new one!!" He yelled freaking out...
"What the fuck did you do?!?!" I asked before seeing him point to my now demolished car.
"I just got a new engine..... a new paint job.... I worked on that car for a year......" I said before turning to face him.
"YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!!!" I said before grabbing him and putting him in a headlock.
"*ahem*!!!! Who the hell are you?!" A deep voiced, bald guy asked.
"Oh!" I exclaimed letting him go.
"How rude of me... I'm Tej's sister."
They looked at you in awe because you and Tej didn't look ANYTHING alike.
"Adopted" I finished off getting 'ooh's of understanding.
"(Y/N)?! That you?!" Asked Roman.
"Roman! How you doin my brother from another mother?!" I asked my homie fo LIFE.
"I'm good G! What's poppin?" He asked
"I could ask the same thing. Did you join a gang or some shit like that?" I asked
"Nah- ill let them explain.... Are you?" He asked.
"In a gang? Nah fool. I left that crew a long time ago. I thought they were family but I guess my ride or die's are elsewhere."
"Well any family of Tej's or friend of Roman's is family or are friends to us." Said the handsome blonde guy.
"Thanks for the welcome! And after the introductions I would like an explanation for why the fuck my car is totaled." They all laughed knowing how deep in shit Tej was.
"Brian O'Connor" the blonde one said.
"Dominic Toretto" the deep voiced, bald guy said.
"Letty...." The lady greeted me with.
(The others like gisele are going to be introduced later)

-3 months later-
"I said RIGHT! NOT LEFT! They're going to cut me off!"
We were currently in a car chase. We were chasing puny drug dealers that worked for a Shaw. 
"Don't worry! I'm on the other side. You can pass over here! The coast is clear!" Responded Dom. I sped in front of the truck and cut them off by drifting to where everyone else was. Then it happened.... A giant ass fire was in front of my path leading to a giant crash.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2021 ⏰

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