The scent of war

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I glanced at Raine, she looked worried.
"You are not to leave the common room, if I catch any of you sneaking out I can assure you you'll meet a most horrible regret". Said Snape.
"The attacker is still believed to be in the castle". He sped away. A few slytherins stepped out of their dorms.
"Where's Draco?" Whispered Raine. I looked around, searching desperately for blonde hair.. anywhere.
"Perhaps he's in his room?" I questioned. Raine turned down the hall and made her way past several closed doors before stopping at Dracos. She knocked. No answer.
"Alohamora". I whispered, the locked clicked open. Raine pushed open the door to see a figure standing across the room.
"Priscilla?" Raine stated. Priscilla was the most popular witch in slytherin house. Her father was second in power the minister. She had smooth, long raven black hair and the most perfect porcelain skin.
"Don't you knock?" She asked putting on Dracos sweatshirt.
"Knock?". Raine stated bewildered. "This is even your room!"
"Oh right, we share it". She said slyly.
"What do you mean 'we'?" Said Raine. Priscilla and Draco had dated for a while in the past. It was expected. He was tall, rich, and handsome, and she was, well, rich and beautiful. A match made in heaven. To top it off, Narcissa was childhood friends with Priscillas dad. A marraige of her and Draco could fix her reputation.
"Oh did he not tell you?" Priscilla said. "We're in love". She spritzed her perfume across her body. A perfect body.
"Cmon Raine". I said pulling her by the arm. "It smells like desperation in here". Raine looked confused, and betrayed. She did that thing she always did when she didn't know what to say. Squint her eyes.
That's why she wears glasses.

"Raine.. I.." I started.
"Leave me alone!" She cried running out of the common room.
Fuck. Well there goes my no detention streak. I barreled after her down the dungeon hall.
"Raine!" I called but there was no answer. It was particularly more dark than before. The halls became confusing.
"Raine, please!" I called. I stopped at the bottom of a staircase and sat down. How could Draco do this? Why would he confess what he felt if he was dating Priscilla? And just when I was beginning to respect him.
"Genevieve?" I spun around to hear a voice behind me.
Of course. The timing is immaculate.
"Don't talk to me unless you've seen Raine". I said coldly.
"What? What do you.."
"You know perfectly well. It's your fault Raines gone". I said storming off.
"Wait!" He called. "What are you talking about gone?" He asked.
"Don't play dumb Draco. If I had known you were using her as a... a distraction from your relationship with Priscilla, I would've..." he cut me off.
"Woah woah my relationship with Priscilla ended months ago". He said confused.
"Oh really? Because I just saw her in your dorm room with your sweatshirt on". I stated. "And she said you two were perfectly happy".
"That's... a lie". Said Draco. "I don't have feelings for Priscilla. I never did, we were set up. I can't believe she'd do this".
"And why should I trust you?" I asked.
"Amorentia doesn't lie". Draco said. "I'm going to find Raine before something happens to her". He ran off.

Dracos POV
I ran down the corridor and straight into the potions room. There's only one place I know Raine would go; the transfiguration courtyard.
Unlucky for me, I was on the other side of the castle. The only solution would be to take a shot if talemans blood. It allows you to apparate to anywhere in the castle just once. I knew just where snape kept it. Back shelf, the middle.
Nobody ever thinks to check the middle. I reached back and yanked the potion out of the shelves. A few others dropped in my clumsiness.
"Shit". I said pulling the cork out of the bottle. I smelled the blood, trying to hold back a gag. It made polyjuice potion taste good.
I closed my eyes and tossed the liquid down my throat. Ugh no chaser. I quickly thought of the transfiguration courtyard and disappeared.

Raines POV

"And what do we have here little lady?" A disheveled wizard pressed his finger up against my jaw. I was bound in chains, a leg lock curse. Running away from the common room had to be my worst idea yet. I shouldn't have left Genevieve. What if something happened to her too?
A crowd of several rogue wizards surrounded me. A few had knives.
"It's a shame you're pure blood". The wizard looked me up and down. I would've thought you a muddy looking like you do, ugly". He laughed, yellow teeth and wild eyes showing. Nonetheless you'll have to do. I felt him run his hand up my leg. Oh no not today.
I spat on him.
"Hey! Get this bitch!" He yelled. A female wizard ran up, cutting against my cheek. I yelped in pain.
"Don't disrespect the boss!" She cooed. I could feel blood slowly drip down my jaw.
"Rid of her". Another male wizard commanded.   I squirmed at the ropes but it was no use. My wand sat in pieces across the courtyard.
"Stupefy!" A figure appeared in front of me, knocking my attacker to his feet. He started to fight off the others when I realized who it was, Draco.
The concentration of one of the wizards broke, and I fell to my feet, leg locking curse broken.
"Raine". Draco called casting protection charms. He ran to help me up. "Stay behind me!" He called.
"Crucio!" A curse flew at us, I felt him squeeze my hand tightly. The last person I need pretending to have sympathy for my life.
He rebounded the curse and quickly swallowed a strange liquid. Before we knew it we were standing in his dorm room. I fell on the bed, exhausted and shaken.
"You didn't have to do that". I stated.
"You're welcome". He replied.
"Why don't you go spend time with Priscilla? I think she needs you more". I said between breaths.
"You think this is about Priscilla?" Draco said. He grabbed a white cloth and sat down next to me. I sat up.
"I saw her here. I know what's between you two".
"There's nothing". Said Draco. "Nothing". He placed the cloth against my cheek and wiped away the blood.
"I don't believe you". I said.
"I just saved your bloody ass". He said. "And this is the thanks I get? Even after the amorentia".
"I don't know what you mean". I replied calmer.
"Mugworm". Draco said. "I smelled mugworm". I felt my throat get heavy, tears of overwhelm welled in my eyes.
"Draco I..." he cut me off pressing his lips.. and his whole body rather against mine. His spare hand graced the small of my back and pushed me closer. I wrapped my arms around his neck. I had never felt a longing like this in my life. One that had been so completely dormant until now, I just craved being near him. His presence, his touch.
He pulled away from me slowly, holding my face gently in his hands. His eyes moved from mine, to my cut and back.
"That's gonna leave a mark". He whispered, smiling slightly. "But for you, it'll just be another beauty mark".

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