{4th of Jully Special}

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[Author: I'm aware not everyone celebrates this. But I feel bad for not posting so often, and this is my scape goat. Therefore, I give you a ridiculously long chapter.

Also greatly inspired by Maleficent, but I'm not following the plot.]

A winged creature cut through the sky with grace and elegance. A crow and a silver munia managed to keep up with her speed and would sometimes circle around her. She was currently running late to meet her secret friends, Todoroki and Midoriya. They always talked since they were children, due to her land and the Todoroki kingdom neighboring each other.

Rin never was and probably never will be welcomed into the kingdom. So they had to put the emphasis in 'secret.' You see, she was a Dark Fae. Dark, mysterious, dangerous and an enemy to the kingdom. Or at least that's what they say. In reality it's more like, kind, badass, and, just wants to protect her land. There's no doubt she was dangerous, she just knew who to fight and who not to. That's not the only reason she wasn't welcomed. Due to a...complication many years back, the two kingdoms were separated. A mighty river now runs along the boarder of the Todoroki kingdom and The Maw.

[Author: Little Nightmares anyone?... no...carry on 😓]

The winged teenager stuck close to the side of the Kingdom to not be seen. The feathers of her wings created little, to no sound. She carefully weaved between the buildings and made it to the garden of the castle. She quietly landed in a tree and stood on a thick branch.

"She'll be here any minute." She heard Midoriya say with hope. The dual haired girl raised a brow and looked down. Her eyes widened as she saw not only her two friends but four more strangers.

"I knew we shouldn't have trusted them."

The black crow named Venom whispered and Rins heart tore at the feeling. It's happened many times before, but she though this time would be different.

"Ugh. I forgot what betrayal felt like."

She was about to fly away but heard one of the strangers talking.

"We've been standing here for half an hour and haven't seen anyone." The one with blue hair said. It looked like he was eager to get back to whatever he was doing before. And the armor on him probably meant that he was training before this.

"I've gotta agree with Iida, Deku." The brunette with pink cheeks started and placed a hand on the green haired boys shoulder. "Whoever this 'cool friend' of yours is, I don't think they're coming."

"Darn it. I was really excited to make a new friend." The girl with black hair said with gloom surrounding her.

"She'll be here." Todoroki said. He never looked at the group and continued to scan the trees.

"Not you too, Todoroki." A girl with green hair said worriedly while placing her finger on her chin.

The dual haired boy finally spotted the all to familiar sky blue eyes with slit pupils. When they made eye contact the girl gasped and ducked behind the leaves, causing them to shake. He walked towards the tree and looked up into it. While the others were trying to lightly let Midoriya down that their friend wasn't arriving, Todoroki climbed up into the tree.

He stoped on the same branch the girl was on. He sat on the thicker part of the branch while she was squatting and holding onto the thinner part.

"What are you doing up here?" He asked in his calm voice and Rin briefly looked down at the group of people.

"Are you sure they won't hurt me?" She asked. Her white wings hugged her body as some form of comfort.

"I'm sure." He said and extended his hand. Her wings lightly parted from her body and she gently grabbed his hand. Her nails brushed against his palm but she always made sure to be careful with her sharp nails.

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