Chapter 44

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Josh and I watched Ramona and Carina run out of the castle to help the other women outside, then we turned back to the large door leading to Prince Bryce's room with the two dead guards on the floor.

I looked at Josh as he nodded at me. I pulled up my sword and watched as Josh pushed the huge double doors open. Immediately, two knights came running towards us. I blocked the knight's sword then pulled it back to stab his side as Josh tackled the other knight roughly to the floor before breaking his neck.

After that, we looked around ready for more, but the room was empty. I looked at Josh confused. "We were sure this was the only place he'd go," I said.

I looked around and big windows surrounded us. I looked down and saw our warriors fighting Longford soldiers, and immediately saw Ramona's dark hair in contrast to Carina's short blonde hair.

We can see everything from up here. They were fighting knight after knight as more women ran towards them, to help as a backup.

I nodded, we're going to be fine.

I looked behind Josh who was also watching the battle unfold. "We need to find Alia and Bryce so all of this can be over," I said.

He nodded "This room is huge. Let's check the other rooms in here," he said as I started opening the doors.

The first door was the toilet, empty. I looked at Josh as he shook his head from the second door. We rushed to the last door, surely this was it.

"His bedroom is passed by his office, that's the last room here," I said.

I can feel my hands shaking with adrenaline. I nodded at Josh and pulled up my sword as he pushed the door wide open.

We rushed inside and immediately saw Prince Bryce sitting on the office chair with blood all over his desk and shirt. I looked around but I couldn't see Alia anywhere, only two guards standing behind Prince Bryce.

He wiped his bloody hands with a handkerchief and looked up like he was expecting us "Glad of you to join us, I knew those knights are pathetic, can't even kill people who are already defenseless. A bunch of idiots" he shook his head.

I stepped towards him "Where's Princess Alia?" I growled anger pouring from inside me.

In all my life dealing with assholes and cruel humans, he's the one who I'll enjoy killing the most.

He turned his head towards the big windows and watched his men below fall one by one "You ruined everything" he said calmly before looking at me with so much hate "Why would I give you Alia?" then he smirked "Besides, she's already dead" he smirked.

I heard Josh gasp beside me.

"You're lying," I said with confidence, I know he's only taunting me, he couldn't possibly kill Alia, he needs her.

He smirked at me "You're right, but she's almost dead. She still believes every single one of you is dead. Her family, friends, and you. She'll do anything I want without a fight"

I stepped closer to him with Josh right beside me "Where. Is. She" I asked forcefully.

Price Bryce laughed "She's on my bed, where she belongs"

I can feel my hands shaking. I looked behind the guard at the bedroom door where he said Alia was.

We're so close.

I looked back at Prince Bryce "You're done. You have nothing left. The Savages are gone, you're knights are dying one after the other, and after your people find out how you killed their King —your father— you have nothing left to rule"

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