One Evening at Freddy's

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Please note:
This is a crossover story in my AU Sonic universe. So the lore from Fnaf may be slightly different.
Also, I (at the time of writing) am still quite new to Fnaf, so some things might seek out of place. You'll just have to, *ahem*, bear with me on that.

  "So, are you sure you're going to be ok with them all?" Vanilla asked the blue blur as she and Vector were dropping him and Cream, Cheese, and Charmy off at the pizzeria known as Freddy's

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"So, are you sure you're going to be ok with them all?" Vanilla asked the blue blur as she and Vector were dropping him and Cream, Cheese, and Charmy off at the pizzeria known as Freddy's.

"Hey, as long as Mike isn't here getting me stuck in slides, tying me to chairs, or breaking my leg, I'll be fine. You guys go, and enjoy your date... or... whatever it is." Sonic told them.
"Well, ok then. Just call if anything goes wrong." Vector shouted to them. "Hey, I got this," Sonic reassured them as they drove off.
"Be good, kids!" Vector shouted at the three youngsters.

"Come on, Sonic! Let's go inside! I hear there's a new soft play area!" Charmy shouted, flying quickly towards the kid's themed restaurant. "It's cold out here."
Sonic couldn't help but agree with the young bee. It was only early October, yet it was so cold out already. So cold, that Sonic had decided to wear the red scarf that he had got that one year for Christmas.

Walking inside to the warm air was a very nice feeling for them all. "Hi Kids! Ready for some fazbear pizza?" A friendly looking waiter greeted them.

"I want the play area," Charmy said, looking the human waiter in the eye. "Um.. sure. It's where the food is served anyways."
"Oh, ok," Charmy said, flying off quickly. "Charmy, wait for us!" Cream shouted as she and Cheese followed him.
Sonic smiled at the waiter, who just glared at him. "You know we don't tend to let animals in here. But whatever, I guess you are the hero, after all. Or something like that." He snapped at him, walking off.

Well, that was weird. Sonic thought to himself as he sat down at a table big enough for all four of them. People don't tend to mind Möbians living around them and have always been so accepting of us. I guess not all are like that though. Still, that was pretty weird.

Sitting around waiting is probably the worst thing that could ever happen to Sonic. Well, besides from going in the water. But he had promised Vector and Vanilla that he would take good care of the trio, and that means keeping an eye on them at all times.

That meant that Sonic had gone into guardian mode, (think the Chao in Space short) and was a little on edge about everything at the moment. But for some reason, the animatronic characters were getting on his nerves, and he wasn't sure why.
Something about them looks off, and I don't know what it is. Is it because of the sinister-looking eyes? Is it because robots have had a bad impact on me? I don't know why.

Sonic then almost jumped out of his fur as the one that looked like a fox looked straight at him and narrowed its eyes at him.
"Hey, are you ok?" Sonic jumped again as a waitress noticed him looking worried. "That fox. It just narrowed its eyes at me. Is that normal?"
"Oh, Foxy? That's nothing. He's just a bit cranky, that's all." Sonic then narrowed his eyes at her after she said that. "Cranky? Did I say cranky? Whoops! What I meant to say is, Clunky. They haven't been oiled for a while now, so that's probably it." She smiled at him as she walked off.

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