Chapter 34

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«Ma douleur est mon bonheur."

«My pain is my happiness.»

Eighteen years living on this globe, and I hadn't been so embarrassed by myself. It felt like everyone knew about that night. Every whisper and laugh made me tense up. I avoided Julian for a whole week. I didn't know how I would be able to look at him in the eyes. Every minute, my mind is reminded of what I have done. I wanted to punch myself so bad. I couldn't talk about it, and I couldn't drink to forget about it. I had to pretend nothing happened.

Agea, Xavier, and I were not scheduled for the day's last class, so we sat alone at a small table in the second courtyard behind the administration. It was sunny and cold, I loved the weather, and we wanted to profit from it and hang out.

"I keep forgetting to take notes. Oh my God, I'm so failing this class." She complained as she searched her purse for her notebook. "I need to ask Julian about them."

"Julian?" Xavier exclaimed. "Aren't you studying to be a fashion stylist? Why do you have a class with him?"

"We take management class together. How come you don't have classes with him since you are both learning the same thing?" She addressed me.

"Our beef. The school separated us since our first day."

"Very wise of them." Xavier giggled.

"Wait, so how come you and Xavier have classes?"

"I'm studying to be a business lawyer. Her lawyer, to be more precise." He slurped his smoothie.

"I don't know about that." I jokingly grimaced.

"It's already confirmed." He added.

"False." I objected.

"Well bitch, I better be. If it weren't for me, you'd be in a lot of shit right now." He jokingly hit the table.

"You fucked up my debate speech!"

"That's because you can't pronounce Ma-ssa-chu-setts. Repeat after me." He slowly articulated as Agea died of laughter.

"How about that one? Fu-ck You." I flipped him. He threw his jacket at me, I tried to catch it, but that jacket weighed more than me and the chair. I fell back, provoking a peal of endless laughter from my friends.

"Here's Julian!" The blonde gasped. "JULIAN!"

"Why you're calling him over here?" I got off the ground and sat nervously.

"I need the notes." She furrowed her eyebrows. It was too late. He already heard her.

"Well, I am gone." I got up abruptly under the eyes of my friends before Julian could come over. They were stunned by my behavior, and I wasn't sorry about it. I moved to the next courtyard, next to the library, and sat alone on a table in the corner. I leaned against the wall and closed my eyes. The sun caressing my face brings joy to my heart. My smile dropped when I didn't feel it anymore. I opened my eyes to Julian sitting on the chair next to me.

"You have to be fucking kidding me?" I sighed.

He was too closed. I was trapped between him and the corner. I moved my chair more to the other side until my arm touched the wall. He grabbed the chair's stretcher and pulled me closer to him. I tried to move again, but He firmly held it.

"Let go of the chair."

He turned his body towards me and pulled me more between his legs.

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