16| Work to Do

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"MAR" I screamed as I pushed his big ass down

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"MAR" I screamed as I pushed his big ass down. I ducked so I wouldn't be seen and slipped my hand in between some people, and let off 2 shots.

Pow! Pow!

I heard Kwame's body drop to the floor as he screamed in pain. Everybody in attendance were running everywhere.

"We gotta go." He said as he grabbed my hand and ran outside to the Sprinter.

"Bro get the fuck in and come on." Seno said rushing us to hurry up and get in. I jumped in the Sprinter and Shemar jumped in right after me, sliding the door closed as we sped off.

"This can't be no regular ass driver, pushing this thing like a bat out of hell." I said looking at him as we hit a turn and I hit my head.

"Nah that's my nigga Cheez. He's my most trusted driver."

"Miss lady don't let this man fool you I'm not his chauffeur. But that is my nigga and I do have a business. So if you ever need-"

"Respectfully nigga, just drive." Shemar said getting agitated.

"So do one of y'all wanna tell me why y'all didn't kill him? Or am I missing the whole shabam?" I said sarcastically looking at Shemar since he don't like to tell me shit like I'm not involved too.

"Why you didn't kill him? You took my gun out my waistband and saved our asses correct boss?" Shemar said with annoyance in his tone.

"You had the gun in the waistband the whole fucking time. Correct?" I shot back.

"It was too hot, even with a silencer. Gotta watch surroundings. What you did was quick though, good looks." Seno said from the seat behind me.

I just sat back and had the same flashback continuously of what just happened.

"You know what, keep up with that stupid sarcastic shit. I don't know what the fuck you mad for but it shouldn't be at me when I literally just saved y'all asses." I said lowly so only Shemar could hear me.


"Don't mmcht me. For all of that he should've let out the fucking clip and killed me then."

"Don't say shit like that."

"Nigga leave me alone." I said rolling my eyes and moving back in my seat, making sure I wasn't touching him.

"Ungrateful ass nigga got me in this shit and didn't even kill him. I know he's not telling me something...Why he not telling me shit? It's okay I have something for that ass." I thought to myself.

"Hmph" I said under my breath crossing my arms, and dosed off until we got back to the house.


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