Choso . 🌸🍋 "Sunsets and Sex"

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Sorry for the lack of consistency in posts! I try to update as fast as possible but that 6,500 word toji x reader x nanami was a DOOZY. Anyways, back to more of my requests.

Please enjoy, vote, comment, and check out my other stories! <3

NSFW: fingering, praise, hair-pulling, you know the drill soldiers

requested by bubblegumbi_tch!


You, Yuji, Choso, and a couple others had decided to spend the night hanging out at your place. A separate small house close to the dorms, you had moved in not too long ago and quickly made some friends. After meeting Yuji, it didn't take long before you were introduced to a newly formed ally of his- the tall man with black buns in his hair.

You had made friends with Choso, not to the point of best friends but to the point where sexual tension could be noticed. Sometimes, you would glance over at him and find that he was looking right back at you with the same blank look on his face that he normally carried.

"Hey, did you have meat for the nachos?" Yuji's questioning tone broke you from your thoughts, causing you to spin around on your heel to face him.

"Uh, yeah. Second drawer in the fridge." You replied, turning back around to see Choso looking outside of the window that was atop the kitchen sink.

"There's a beautiful sunset out there," Choso mentioned calmly when he noticed that you were looking over in his direction. When you didn't respond, he continued. "I don't really see many of those."

"It does look pretty," You spoke up, moving closer to stand next to him, casting your gaze at the warmly-colored sky. "You know, up on the second floor, I have a balcony off of my bedroom. It's the perfect place to watch the sunset. I can take you there, if you want."

Choso didn't seem to think about his answer for too long, because he quickly responded with a calm. "I would really like that."

And so you led him to the balcony-like patio that was off of your bedroom, a screen door opened to allow the two of you to walk out to the railed-in area that turned and stretched all the way down the length of your house. From just ahead of the tree line, you could see the bright glimmer of the sunset making it's way closer to the ground, it's orange and pink colors spilling across the sky like a beautiful painting.

Walking across the length of the balcony to the side of the house, Choso gently put his hands on the railing as he leaned against the metal poles, watching the colors splash across the sky. "You weren't kidding, this really is the perfect view."

You chuckled, following after him and standing by his side, also casting your eyes to the sunset. "You know I would never kid around with you, right Choso?"

He smiled to himself, closing his eyes and thinking for a moment before opening them again and turning to face you. "I know."

For a couple minutes, you and Choso relaxed against the railing as you watched the sun slowly disappear below the tree line. The only sounds that were heard was the light breeze and the crickets that were starting to chirp. You had just begun to close your eyes in peace, before an unexpected voice rang out across the balcony.

"Who left the door open for the balcony?" It was Yuji, who had felt a cool breeze coming from upstairs and followed it all the way to the open balcony door. "Y/n would get so mad, someone's gonna let all the bugs in!"

Instantly, your eyes snapped open wide and stared at Choso, who did the same. Just as you pushed off the railing to head to the door, Choso following close after, the sound of the inner glass door closing rung around the area.

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