*Chapter 7*

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As the weeks flew by Kazuha found himself restless. He had never expected to feel such excitement towards the country he sacrificed so much to flee from. Though as the waves wash upon the shore and he saw the faint outline of buildings on the main island, a wave of nostalgia hits him. 

Beidou notices the boy's longing expression before smirking and walking up to him. "You excited to go back home?"

"After so long, the tides of the ocean and the breeze of the summer never cease to amaze me." Kazuha replied not sparing Beidou much attention. "It's been at least 3 years since I've been back, I wonder if the maple trees still stand."

"Oh there you go speaking flowers instead of words again also, trees don't die so easily. We'll stop by for supplies, it'll take at least 2 weeks to gather. You can go have your fun then." The captain says with a mischievous wink. "I'll be off now, remember to use protection."

"Huh, what was that?" Kazuha asked missing the last sentence. The boy was so focused on the up coming islands he hadn't registered what Beidou said. As he turn around to ask for a repeat, Beidou already left the ship deck.

Y/N's POV:

The news of an armed ship arriving soon has spread through the nobles like wildfire. Some were weary of its potential and others were excited to see if they offered any rare items. As I sat by the garden enjoying a cup of tea, I couldn't help but overhear the gossip from the higher ups. 

"Reports say the ship will arrive by sundown." One whispered

"I heard they're selling rare items from Liyue! Oh I hope they offer pretty hairpins or extravagant gifts." The other replied.

Ayaka's birthday will be coming up soon, I should probably be looking for a birthday present for her. Maybe I'll go to the docks tomorrow to see what they have to offer. Hopefully something will match the beauty of the young Kamisato princess. I thought to myself. 

Patting down my clothes as I stood up, I hurried down to the docks to have a look at the items they were selling. Though I got carried away looking at all the sparkly and pretty things on display and before I knew it, the sun was already setting. 

A large sound of a horn broke my train of though, I looked to the direction of the sound and found a massive ship with beautiful sails. Seemly lots of people were heading to the boat, I followed the crowd wanting to see what the commotion was. 

Kazuha POV:

"WE'RE HERE PREPARE TO DOCK." I hear Beidou shout at the crew, I always wonder how she projects her voice in such a way. My eardrums are basically gone for good whenever I'm around the captain while she's drunk. 

"It seems we have some audiences." One of the crew members commented. 

"Are they perhaps looking to trade? Thats wonderful! I have so many goodies for Inazuma to see." Another followed

"Alright guys enough chitchat, I'll allow you all to do whatever you like once we have all our supplies and the ship is docked peacefully." Beidou says while walking to the edge of the boat. She then proceeds to divide everyone into groups to fetch food supplies, medicine and wine. 

"Beidou," Kazuha says softly after everyone had left the ship. "it appears you've forgotten to give me a role." 

"I'm letting you off the hook kid, I am a sucker for romance stories you know." The captain says with a smirk.

"I'm afraid I don't understand." Kazuha says tilting his head.

"Oh shut up now, go have your fun." Beidou says before pushing Kazuha off the boat. 

"Well... this is great..." Kazuha commented "My captain just abandoned me in a sea of people just to read a romance novel? I didn't know she was into that kind of stuff." 

Third POV:

Y/N sat on the edge of the docks looking at the ship and the crowd of people. "What a useless commotion." she whispered to herself. As she gaze down at the water she noticed another reflection slowly walking up behind her. 

"Excuse me," The voice said "but do you happen to know the location of the L/N clan? It appears they've moved to another location. I have someone I would like to talk to there." 

"It's quite rude to walk up to a lady and just begin asking questions, especially without an introduction." Y/N replied, she watched the ocean with a smile not willing to look back at the boy behind her. "Then again, you were never one for introductions were you? Kaedehara Kazuha." 

The water was crystal clear that day... 

Fun fact:

Y/N was able to recognize Kazuha immediately just by his voice and his blurred reflection. Meanwhile Kazuha struggled to recognize Y/N because of her Kamisato outfit and maturity state. He had remembered Y/N as the energetic princess who would steal fish from ponds to feed foxes, not a calm and collected lady. 

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