Chapter 4

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  "CAPTAIN!" Chris lunged for the hole in the floor. He fell to his knees, looking down at the scene below: Alexia was even more deformed than before—her beautiful figure transformed into the round body of a queen ant; her thin lips grew into snapping pincers. Her spider-like legs punctured holes in the walls as she climbed, chasing after the elevator.

Wesker was swinging across the broken electrical cables of the lift, being dragged upwards about 20 feet below the platform. He shot at Alexia, dodging her tentacles, and keeping her at a distance. The jutted walls of the shaft protruded unpredictably—Wesker shifted his head, causing a sharp piece of the shaft to slice a strand of his hair.

Wesker jumped from the wires and off the wall, landing on Alexia's egg sack. He unsheathed his knife, driving it into the back of Alexia's neck.

Alexia let out a blood-curdling scream, shoving backwards to grind Wesker into the wall—he grimaced, twisting the knife further into Alexia.

"I'm going in," Chris announced.

"Chris, wait!" Claire called out.

"I have to help him," Chris insisted, looking back at his sister. His honey eyes hardened in determination. "I love him."

"I wasn't going to stop you," Claire sighed. She delicately placed Steve down before pulling the Linear Launcher off her belt. "Take this. It'll put a hole in anything."

Chris took the weapon, admiring its weight and sturdy build. "Thank you, Claire."

"Do what you need to do, Chris. Just come back alive."

Chris nodded.

"I promise."

Chris used the excruciating pinch in his left shoulder as motivation, wrapping his left arm around one of the cables and jumping in; he would need his right arm to operate the Linear Launcher. Chris ignored the snap in his shoulder as the cable fully extended, leaving him swinging wildly amidst all the action.


The whip of cables and the sound of the elevator clunkily making its way to the surface rumbled in Chris' ears.

Wesker glared at Chris, lips curling in rage. "You idiot—Are you incapable of following orders!?" He growled.

"Pretty much," Chris replied, pointing the Linear Launcher at Alexia. It was heavy and difficult to aim with one arm; the swinging of the cables did little to help. Alexia charged at him, pincers mere inches from his face—

Chris pulled the trigger, instantly incinerating one of Alexia's legs in a flash of blue light.

"GUUAAAAHHH!" She bellowed, falling another 50 feet down the shaft before catching herself.

Wesker was suddenly freed from being agonizingly grated against the wall. The muscle on his back was thoroughly torn, bits of tendon hung down like frayed cloth; steam rose in the air as his flesh rapidly healed itself. He jumped from the wall and grabbed onto Chris cable, holding onto Chris so he no longer needed to use his shattered shoulder to grasp the cable.

Chris sighed in relief... until he saw Alexia crawling back up towards them with tremendous speed.

The screen on the Linear Launcher read, "Charging... 10% complete."

C'mon, c'mon, c'mon... Chris fretted.


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