284- Strong Cultivation

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Yan Tianhen swatted Esteemed Huai Yu's hand away and felt that this man was not serious. "I just want to coil up your hair from the ground. Don't you think it's dirty?"

Esteemed Huai Yu didn't think so, "If it's dirty, it's dirty. Anyway, it's just a matter of a body-cleansing technique. It's very convenient."

Yan Tianhen asked suspiciously, "Master, you don't know how to tie your hair, do you?"

Esteemed Huai Yu glanced at him, "Your Master is omnipotent and can do anything. I'm just too lazy to move."


Yan Tianhen couldn't bear to see this. He thought it was a great pity that his long black hair was stained with mud. "Master, if you don't want to tie your hair, let me do it."

Since someone offered to serve him, Esteemed Huai Yu naturally had no problem. He was quite happy, "Alright, but if you dare give me an ugly hair style, I will beat you."

Yan Tianhen got up with a smile and stood behind Esteemed Huai Yu, holding his long hair in hand. "Don't worry, Master, my craft is excellent."

Yan Tianhen's technique was quite good. When Lin Zhan was alive, he used to comb and tie his hair. Later, Yan Tianhen also learned to style Lin Zhan's hair. But then, Lin Zhan died and Lin Xuanzhi became seriously ill. In those months, Yan Tianhen took good care of his Dage.

Lin Xuanzhi's long hair was of excellent quality, just like silk. Yan Tianhen had not been willing to let it lose its luster so he sat by Lin Xuanzhi's bed every day and dared not close his eyes. He would take great care of Lin Xuanzhi's hair and braid it together, as if Lin Xuanzhi would get better if his hair was shiny and smooth.

Esteemed Huai Yu's long hair was also quite good and didn't have many knots in it. Yan Tianhen soon used a hair clasp to tie the long hair behind his head. Because it was too long and thick, he could only tie the upper half, leaving the lower half hanging behind his back. But at least it only reached his waist now and no longer dragged on the ground.

Esteemed Huai Yu touched the hair style on the back of his head and pulled at the hairpin, muttering, "Lad, you're quite skilled."

Yan Tianhen smiled, "Master, why do you want to keep your hair so long?"

Esteemed Huai Yu opened his mouth but didn't say a word.

Why do you have such long hair?

Why don't you tie it up?

He knew the answer but could never admit it.

Esteemed Huai Yu stood up and glanced at Yan Tianhen with a pair of bright eyes, "It's none of your business. Children shouldn't ask about adults' business. Besides, whether my hair is long or short doesn't matter to you."

Yan Tianhen's intuition told him that Esteemed Huai Yu's mood suddenly deteriorated a lot. He vaguely felt that it was related to his question, but... wasn't it just a common question? Why was Huai Yu so upset?

Yan Tianhen asked wryly, "Master, aren't you going to cut it?"

Esteemed Huai Yu returned to normal, "Hey, do you have something against my hair today?"

Yan Tianhen smirked, "I can't help it. I just want to say that if Master wants a trim, I can also cut it for Master. If Master doesn't want a trim, I'll help you with your hair every day. How about it?"

Sraffwfv Lejl Te ibbxfv ja Tjc Kljctfc'r ilaaif ojmf, atbeut tf mifjgis mbeivc'a rff tlr agef ofjaegfr. Lf kjr lc j agjcmf obg j ibcu alwf yfobgf jrxlcu, "Glv sbe jikjsr agfja Olc Itjc atlr kjs lc atf qjra?"

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