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Three Months Later

George spent the entire plane ride trying to calm Dream down. The man wouldn't stop wringing his hands, fiddling with the tray in front of him, and eventually George grabbed his hands because he was making him nervous.

He was half tempted to drag Dream into the bathroom and give him a blow job to calm him down. At least, it worked for Harry and Draco in that modern Harry Potter AU fanfiction he read awhile back. Though he probably shouldn't take advice from a writer who also wrote My Little Pony crossovers. George shuddered. He needed sleep.

They staggered through baggage claim and out into the rushing crowds of people. George held his boyfriend's hand comfortingly as the man scanned the masses of people.

Suddenly, Dream's hand was yanked from George's and he was forced to chase the blonde who was barreling straight towards a tall man in a baseball cap.

George kept a respectable distance as Dream hugged the man followed by a motherly-looking woman with tears rolling down her face and most surprisingly a man who towered over them all that held Dream just as tightly as the others despite his looks.

The family turned to him and George felt starkly out of place. They were obviously extremely close and he wasn't sure he could ever find a place there.

Almost like he knew exactly what Blaine was thinking, Dream grabbed his arm and tugged him into their circle, keeping his arm locked securely around his waist.

"Family, this is George. George, this is my family." Dream smiled proudly.

"Hello. It's nice to meet you all."

He shook hands with Dream's father, hugged his step-mother ("but I started calling her mom after they got married," Dream had explained before). Dream's step-sister, however, stood back and watched him warily.

That earned the girl a smack on the arm. "Drista! Don't be rude," Dream hissed.

"I just have one question for him first." Drista stared him down.

Dream rolled his eyes, but didn't stop her. Funny how that did nothing to make George feel safer.

"Why are you dating my brother?" She poked at the fluffy bag around his shoulder and cringed slightly.

Dream scoffed, smacking the girl hard enough to actually hurt this time.

"Ow! I'm serious, dude! I looked it up. It was on a list of 'Questions You Must Ask Your Sister's Boyfriend'."

"I'm not your sister!"

"I just want to make sure you're safe!"

George glanced at Dream's parents and saw they were caught between laughing in amusement and stopping the fight, probably just for George's benefit. It was obvious they have had plenty of similar arguments in the past.

"Dream, it's fine," George told him.

They both backed off, Drista now looking chastened by her brother's reprimanding.

"I'm dating Dream because I care about him. He is the most amazing person I have ever met. I love spending time with him. And I hope he feels the same about me."

Dream squeezed him around the waist and pressed a kiss to his cheek.

"Good," Drista said decidedly, before entering their personal space for an awkward bro-hug with George.

"Well, that was entertaining. Now what do you guys say to heading home. We can grab dinner at Chipotle after you two settle in a bit," Ron suggested.

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