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Do you remember the night, the moon dropped from the sky?

And, we ran through the forest to find where it lie,

I was tripping on tree roots and slipping on snow,

You were holding my hand saying not to let go,

When we found it at last there were twigs in our hair,

A rose on our cheeks and our breath in the air, 

And, the words to describe it got caught in our throats,

As its silver light danced through the threads of our coats, 

We knew that our eyes had not seen such a view,

You were looking at it, and-

I was looking at you.

I hope you know you are loved. I hope things get simple for you, peaceful. Spend your days with easy breath and soft words. You deserve light through your windowsill, I hope it comes your way soon. May god bless you with love and care, R! ❤️

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