Chapter 7:

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I walked into the visiting area just wanting to see my girls, but it was only mama Jaz out there.

"Boy get ya ass over here!" She snapped when I started to turn back around.

"Mama you and Karmen on some bullshit." I said sitting down across from her.

"Did you get the whole story? Karma's side." She asks.

"No, but-"

"Ain't no but. You already know Karma and your mom have problems, so why the fuck would you just go off what one says before even talking to the other?"

"I was mad at the time and went off before thinking. I realized I should have got her side first, but I also feel yall should have came to me. Yall didn't have to touch my moms."

"That's the thing, Karma didn't, I did. And afterwards I realized that wasn't the way to handle the situation. I already apologized to your mom and I'm here to apologize to you too. So I'm sorry," I nodded. "But you really need to talk to Karma."

"I've been calling trying to apologize and get her side, but she won't talk to me. She hands the phone to the girls everytime I call or she won't answer if she's not with them at the time. I've even been writing letter after letter and get nothing back."

"I'ma help you out. I'ma tell you what happened. Your mom picked Brei up from school-"

"What's wrong with that?" I ask.

"Let me finish." I nodded. "She picked Brei up from school without Karma's knowing. So imagine the panic of going to pick your child up from school and their telling you she's not there. Then to make shit worse out of the thousands of times Karma called your mom she didn't answer, not once. Imagine that terror Brandon, imagine not knowing where your child is, not even knowing who she's with for sure, and if she's safe. If that shit is enough to make Karma cry that shit was very fuckin serious."

"Damn." I mumbled to myself. I didn't even know what to say. I felt like I dumbass now.

"Yeah, damn. Now who you think fucked up, you or Karma?" She asks standing up.


2 weeks later...


"Z in the fuckin house!" I rolled my eyes as his loud ass walks into the house with the girls.

"Guess what mommy we saw Daddy he was at-" Bryna was cut off by Brei and Z telling her to shush.

"Bryna remember you can't tell." Brei said.

"Tell what?" I said looking between the three of them. "Oh we keeping secrets now? You and Brandon turning my girls against me now?"

"Nope, never." He says going into the fridge.

"Bryna you gonna tell mommy?" She giggle shaking her head.

"Okay, I got yall number that's why we were gonna have a movie night with snacks, but nope."

"Yes, mommy lets do that!" Brei said hugging my waist and Bryna hugging my thigh.

I laughed. "I'll think about it since you two wanna be traitors now."

"Tell yall mom the part you can tell her tho." Z said.

"Oh yeah." Brei said. "Daddy told us to tell you he's sorry, he loves you, and please talk to him."

"Mommy why you not talk to my daddy." Bryna said with her arms crossed as she looked up at me with a mug on her face.

"Lil girl." I said mushing her as me and Z laughed.

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