4 6 Death With Blight

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Adelaida, Nataniel and Jevelene were on their way to the castle, when Nataniel stopped, "Okay, stop, I'm tired of running," He fell down breathless, covered in preparation, "I'm too hot to function anymore,"
Adelaida halted her horse and pointed towards a green lake a few metres away from them, "Let's take a quick bath,"
"Hell yeah! Ice bath!"
"It must be really cold, though," Jevelene felt chills even by the thought.

"It'll be cold, but just initially. Come Jevelene!" Adelaida grabbed her hand pulled down the horse with her. She looked at Nataniel, "You better not peep,"
"Wait, I can't go in with you guys?"
"Of course not!" Adelaida's face went red, "Jesus. Stay put,"

Nataniel waited by the horse, making snow angels. Meanwhile, Adelaida removed her clothes and got into the cold water, at first she shivered but soon, she was enjoying herself "I'm alive," She mumbled as she floated alongside the ice. Jevelene stood in front of the lake with no clothes on, she looked around, "What if someone sees us?"
"No one comes here except wild animals. Just get in already,"

"...But it looks so cold,"
"Gosh, just come," Adelaida pulled her leg in and Jevelene went into the water. She came to the surface with jittering teeth, "I'm getting out!"
Adelaida hugged her, "Just stay a bit, it'll be over soon,"
"I'm not a Scandinavian, spare me some mercy," She shivered. But Adelaida was right, after a bit, the water felt hot, not cold. 

She looked at Adelaida, she looked so beautiful. Just like a princess would. Long blonde hair, rose-red lips and round breasts. Jevelene looked down at her chest, "When will my puberty come?"
"What do you mean?" Adelaida asked, "How old are you?"

"Your puberty has gone by,"
"What?! Oh no..." 
Adelaida laughed, "It's the first time I've talked to a female my age, it feels nice,"
Jevelene looked at her, "Well, it's the first time I've had a female friend too,"
Adelaida smiled.

"This ice bath really removes all the physical stress. Even the sores on my feet seem to have gone," Jevelene smiled.
"Oh, that's just because of the water," Adelaida held the green water in her palms, "This is healing water. My ancestors have used this for centuries as medicine,"
"Really?" Jevelene held the water between her palms.

"It heals all open wounds instantly. Wait," Adelaida swam to the corner and grabbed something out of her clothes, "Here," She gave a tiny, empty glass bottle shaped like a leaf to Jevelene, "You can store it in this. But remember, the more water you take, the more dilute its powers will get. So carry as little as you can,"

Jevelene filled the five-millilitre bottle with that turquoise green water, "I'll use it carefully,"
Adelaida smiled, "We should leave the water now. Nataniel needs to take a bath too,"
"Yeah, sure,"
"I'm already here though, so don't worry about me," They heard him and looked around, he suddenly jumped out of the water and both the girls screamed at the top of their lungs.


. . .

Delph moved across the castle, anxious about the upcoming disaster. 
"Your highness!" A knight ran towards him.
"Knight" He grabbed his shoulders firmly, "What news do you bring?"
"She's unstoppable. Nobody is able to get her down. The priests say it's a..."
"It's a what?! A WITCH?"
"A god of some sorts, perhaps. We've angered the gods,"

"How do I fix it?"
"You can't. She's coming for you, your highness. It'd be great if you flee as soon as you can,"
He nodded, "You are right. Put the carriage out, quickly! I have to escape!"
They ran down through the stairs behind the castle, their cloaks flowing in the air as they heard the screams of men dying. Leviathan and Paimon stood at the top of the castle roof, the sky over them was starting to get dark as demons began covering the sky, 

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