Chapter 1

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Here it is! Chapter 1! Tell me what you guys think?! Vote Comment Fan! Wooh wooh!:D

WARNING: A Little Sexual containt but it gets worse when the chapters go on!


Mum drove him too school, trying to fix my hair so his ears didn’t show. “Mum I can keep them down, don’t worry about it, I was fine in middle school and grade school wasn’t I? Besides, High school can’t be that bad!” Lie. High school was hell, It was everything he heard of and more.

In one corner, Kids were getting high, another the ‘nerds’ were reading, he wouldn’t get caught dead with them. He knew he wouldn’t fit in with any of the kids around. He hid in a corner, playing with the tip of his tail that wondered out of the bottom of his trousers. “Why do I have to be so weird?” he whispered to himself.

He stayed there for quite a while. School didn’t start till 7:30 and it was only 7:00.

“Hey new kid, move.” A tall, dark haired boy scuffed, his ebony hair and warm eyes making Niall shudder. “Are you deft? Fucking move you twat!” He kicked him in the rib cage.

How does he expect me to move when he just kicked me!

 “Get up pussy.” His friends laughed. Another kick…And another. One to the face and one to the groin.

He fought the urge to hiss at them, because after all, normal people don’t hiss.

But with another blow, it slipped out.

 “Look he really is a pussy. Think we should keep going?” The curly haired one said, laughing with the Darker one. “Naw guys leave the poor thing alone.“ One with a Lion tattooed on his arm frowned, there was guilt written all over him. Like he knew something he shouldn’t have.

Niall almost fell for it but five seconds later, he was being beaten again. “Leave him alone!” A boy with blue eyes and light brown hair yelled, pulling him to my feet. The dark haired one didn’t stop but the Curly headed froze, just staring at the older looking boy. “I’m Mr. Tomlinson, I suppose your Niall? These boys won’t bother you, Okay? Zayn, Harold, detention, and apologize to him.”

Zayn…Gosh he was beautiful.

Although, his vision wasn’t the best, due to getting kicked repeatedly in the face, But he was perfect. His dark mysterious way about him, It made Niall all tingly inside. Zayn was so gorgeous, his long eye lashes making him seem so much sweeter then he actually was.

Niall could feel himself self-stretching in his trousers. This wouldnt be good, not infront of him. Niall couldnt help himself when his eyes travled to the older boys crotch, if only he had X-ray vision.

“Look Zayn, Faggys got the hotts for you.” ‘Harold’ laughed, pointing to his growing Hard-on. “Fucking shit.” Niall hissed, looking around franticly then pulling from Mr. Tomlinson’s grasp and running into the school. “You’ve done scared him you twits!” Mr. Tomlinson screamed at the small gang.  He didn’t even care! He had to get out of there!

Niall slammed the bathroom door closed, after shooing everyone out.

He locked the door, Dropping his pants and tearing off his shirt. “What the fuck!” He growled, his tail swishing behind him in the mirror, His pupils black slit, his eyes a piercing green and his pointy ears sticking straight up. No matter what he did he couldn’t get them to stay down. “Shit!” He couldn’t leave with his ears sticking up like that.

 “Bloody hell!” Niall gasped, The bathroom door swinging open. I locked that door!

He hid his tail as fast as I could but it was too late anyway…” It’s okay, I already know…I mean…” He swallowed hard.

Kitty Cat Claws (Ziall Hybrid/Mpreg AU)Where stories live. Discover now