119 ∞ into the depths

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A/N: Dear Reader, If you read chapter 118 before 17/Jul/2021, I'd strongly recommend you reread the last third of that chapter before proceeding with this one. I've added a new part to the scene.

Day Twenty-two ∞ Friday (PST)

THE CABIN SWAYED and jerked until the excavator reached the opening in the crater rim slope. Eckstein stood holding onto the back of Danny's seat as Danny pulled the butterfly handlebars to vertical position to bring it to a halt. He activated traction mode, and the machine sank into position and rolled inside. Then he steered it to the left end of the cavern.

The view through the transparent metal that served as the viewport was supplemented by several long monitors along the console edge. They displayed wide angle views of their surroundings, enhanced from three spectrum scans, including underneath the excavator. On top of that, the new interface showed up on Danny's heads-up display: the two-eyed vision of his 'bugs'. They gave him a respectful view of E1's rear end with its closed hatches.

"We level at 2200 meters." Mickmi's voice came both over the internal comms and a speaker located somewhere overhead in the cabin. "All is well."

"All is well," Lora echoed.

Danny halted the machine and turned it on the spot. Before them, the wide view of illuminated moon rock gaped over the shaft.

It looked hungry.

A week ago—was it only a week ago?—it would have been difficult for Danny to look straight down into the belly of the moon without panic. Now it was sufficient to draw a deep breath to still the mere tickle in his stomach. He looked up at Atlas through the interior rearview mirror. "Okay. Let's drop anchor here."

"Roger that."

Controls for shooting a large expansion pin into the rock were available to Danny but he felt it was better done from the console Atlas was strapped into.

The bugs' view on the HUD gave Danny a better angle than E1's rearview monitor, as an arm extended from the upper hatch and directed a plasma beam straight into the rock. Another arm unfolded to hold the installer gun in exact alignment above the hole. A slight shudder, and in the next instant, a large ringed head protruded from the hole. The arms retracted and a third arm, this time from the exit above the wide transport belt hatch, clipped a heavy-duty cable to the anchor pin. Then the hidden cable winch reversed to pull the cable taut till the cabin shifted backward.

"Secure," Atlas said, "as far as can be determined."

"Okay," Danny said, "buckle up, guys."

Two heavy pats landed on his shoulder. He looked around to meet Eckstein's gaze.

"Let's all break a leg." Eckstein winked and returned to strap into his console seat beside Atlas.

"E1 starting descent now." Danny placed his hand on the lever that would activate the A.I.-controlled mechanism.

At least most of the controls were easy to grab onto like a traditional machine's.

Another deep breath and pull...

E1 lifted and jerked into position as the long legs unfolded and spread its traction feet into their bracing positions.

Then Danny pushed the butterfly steering forward a little.

As the caterpillar wheels individually engaged and inched over the edge, the cabin tilted forward and downward. The pressure increased, first over Danny's shoulders, then spreading across his chest and waist. The harness kept him from sliding out of the seat while his feet stayed cupped in the pockets on the floor.

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