Chapter 7: So much for a knight in shining armor

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Chapter 7:

So much for a knight in shining armor

Seriously, why is life like this? I mean come on, George, of all people? Life is seriously messed up.

"Everything clear?" Jewel clarified. "A hot make out session for more or less 2 minutes and you can get naughty , but nothing further than lingering kisses on the lips. " she finished.

"I know this is fun but don't get too psyched, okay babe?" George smirked.

I groaned. Suddenly, I saw a guy coming , carrying a bottle of tequila. I snatched it from him and chugged down almost 3/4 of the bottle which was more or less 1.5L and had no salt, lemon or even ice in it. Whoa there.

I heard George chuckle. Oh God. I also taste rhum. Ugh. Bubbles.

"Kay. Kay. Kay. Come here.'' He barely whispered.

Ughhhh. What was I thinking?

Before I knew it, his lips connected with mine. It was nothing like those empty kisses we had shared before. This time, I felt lust, and I don't know, longing emanate from him. Okay, this is not the George Lucason I know. I felt him smile as he placed his hand on my lower back , with me still standing like a moron.

I heard howling and whistling around me. Stupid.

Suddenly, his hands cupped my butt and he raised my right thigh and brought it to his waist while licking my lips. God, this is awful.

Suddenly, I heard Jewel muttering something on the microphone.

I opened my eyes and saw George with this annoyingly lustful expression on his face.

"Okay , that's enough for now." Jewel said.

I felt my arm being yanked off and saw that it was Hilary.

"What was that?!" She slightly hissed.

"I don't know." I said, as I slightly massaged my temples.

"Wow, I didn't know you had it in you." Rhea said, voice filled with sarcasm.

"Shut up, Rhea." I said as I snatched the cup she was holding.

"That was something. " Hilary muttered.

"That's not water, you know" Rhea scolded, as she got the cup again.

"You know what? Screw it. You're all sadistic b*tches." I snapped, then stood up and walked out.


"Everybody, put your hands up!"

I danced and danced like there was no tomorrow.

Everything around me was a blur. All I knew was that I was dancing without a care in the world, the atmosphere around me stunk of sweat, lust and basically everyone around me grinding with one another. It was like I was a different person.

There were no problems, conflicts, complications from the past, overrated feelings. Nothing.

"Hey babe."

I turned and saw a gruff guy, smirking like there's no tomorrow.

I scoffed then continued dancing, ignoring him.

"What's the matter? Scared?" He whispered as he placed his huge hands on my hip.

I angrily removed his grip on me. "Get away from me! " I hissed, earning me a few glances from the people around me.

He pouted. The nerve. "Playing hard to get aren't we?"

"Shut the f*ck up." I said as I tried to move away.

He held my arm." Stay here." He ordered.

Suddenly, tears sprang by my eyes. God, I'm such a mess.

"Hey,hey. We'll take it slow you know." He cooed as he took me closer.

I closed my eyes as he cupped my cheek. The hands that separated us grew weaker and fell down on my sides. I don't want to be me anymore.

Before he even brushed his lips on mine, a fist hit him from his left , sending him flying backwards.

As I slowly nearly hit the ground, a pair of warm hands engulf me in an embrace.

I was faced with a pair of worried pools of grey.


And then I fainted.



Hi! Sorry this took long. I'm busy so yeah.

Also,  I'm experiencing writer's block so comments and suggestions are so helpful right now.

Ok so please wish for me to be part of the top 5 and the school principal to accept thy petition so my batch will experience CAT(set of selected officers that are trained like the military) and that I can be the commander!! *fingers crossed*



also, A and I MIGHT be planning to collaborate so watch out for that... And my third book is coming soon!


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