Actual Chapter

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~|When Ranboo teleported back to their and Tubbos mansion|~

~|3rd person pov I think|~

"Ok, first of all, when the heck did Tommy get a child!
When could he ducking teleport!
And what the duck just happend!"
They thought.

"R-ranboo" they herd a tired voice say. "What are you doing with Michael?"
It turns out that Tubbo had woken up when they teleported back.

"O-oh, uhh, nothing Tubbo, Michael just couldn't sleep so I decided to try and rock him to sleep?"

Ranboo was never the best lier, but luckily a very tired Tubbo couldn't tell.

"Oh, ok" he said with a yawn, "Just don't forget to put him back in his crib."

"Course Tubbo."

~|Ranboos pov I think|~

"Oh thank God." I thought.
I might as well take care of, Tommys child?
God I still can't rap my head around it."

A/n if you can tell, I'm not the best with pov's.

~|3rd person pov I think|~

Ranboo decided to go into the guest bedroom that was rarely ever used to put Tommy's child to bed since them and Tubbo didn't get many guests that stayed overnight.

~|In the morning|~

Ranboo decided to sleep in the guest room with Lee so void hopefully wouldn't be to worried and have someone to calm voidself down after void woke up.

~|Lees POV I think|~

I woke up in a different bed, and after I looked around and after I saw that this wasn't our house I started to panic.
I started to panic even more when I saw a very tall person sleeping next to me.

After I started to hyperventilate the tall person woke up.

"Huh- oh, uhh, oh, hey hey it's ok look at me"
The tall person said.
I had started to scratch at my arms so the tall person carefully grab my hands.
"Ok, you know your papa? I'm a friend, I'm Ranboo, I need you to try and match my breathing, can you do that for me?

I remember papa mentioning something about this 'Ranboo' person, so I decided it was ok to trust them.

Ranboo started to make large and exaggerated breaths so I could copy them.
After about 6 minutes, I could finally breath normally.

"What's your name?" Ranboo asked. "I-I'm Lee." "That's such a cool name!" "Th-thanks." I replied shyly.
"Hey, I need to go get your papa, can you wait in the kitchen?"
"Well if you can show me where it is yeah."
"Yup, your definitely Tommy's kid" Ranboo say with a laugh.
"Just follow me, I'll show you. Also if a bee hybrid comes down, that's my platonic husband Tubbo, just tell him your Tommy's kid."
"Alright, we're here, you can get an apple or something while I go get your papa. Kay?"
"Okay!" I said, I was really starting to like Ranboo.

Hopefully this sorta makes up for the few month brake I took, I forgot how much I liked writing. Also I went threw past chapters and fixed some spelling and pronouns since Ranboo and Lee's pronouns got changed, I also changed a few things I didn't like. I'm pretty sure this is the longest chapter I've ever written.

Remember you are loved, if not by your friends and family than by me.
Beeny out!

553 words

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