Come Home

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For Moo -- who inspired the story idea and because it's been a tough week. Hope this helps :)

"Joe," Andy yelled towards the bar as she approached. "We'll have another round." She leaned into the wooden ledge and gave him a small smile that didn't reach her eyes.

As Joe rounded up the beers he said, "I know that look."

"What look?" Andy questioned with genuine curiosity.

"The one that says, you'd rather be anywhere but here." Joe replied plainly.

"That obvious, huh?" Andy joked. She hadn't been in the best of moods lately. The separation with Robert was killing her. She missed her husband. It was crazy how someone so used to living life free and independent now longed for quiet days at home with her person. More than just about anything, she missed the small moments like waking up together, getting ready for work in the morning together, late night talks in bed, cooking together... They were building a life, a future and all of that was on hold right now.

"Just a little." Joe smiles. "You wanna tell me what's on your mind?"

"It's complicated..." Andy sighed as he placed several beers in front of her.

"Isn't it always?" Joe joked.

Andy wasn't up for talking as friendly as Joe was. She really just wanted to keep her commitment to the team, stay an hour or so and go home. At least she wasn't still staying at the station and was back in the guest room at Maya's. "I'm alright," She said, grateful for his efforts.

"Well, if you change your mind, I'm a great listener." Joe said with a genuine smile. Andy gave him a smile before heading back to the table. She was handing out beers to the table when her eyes were drawn to commotion at the door and a big group of guys walked in. "New guy, first rounds on you." She heard someone yell, but that isn't what got her attention. It was him. The man invading every waking thought was standing right in front of her. He was dressed in dark jeans and a black button down rolled up to his forearms.

Like heat seeking missiles, their eyes found each other and they held one another's gaze. She dressed in jeans and a light sweater. Her hair hung in loose waves around her face. The guys, curious about their newest team member, observed the interaction and Brad, leader of the pack, clapped Robert's back and said, "She's hot, you should get her number. Or better yet, maybe I will." Robert gave him a dirty look but said nothing and walked in Andy's direction.

Her feet moving on their own, Andy met Robert halfway and it took everything in her not to grab him. Smiling softly she said, "Hey."

Robert breathed deeply as he took in the sight of his wife. Seeing her felt like coming up for air. "Hey," he said.

"What are you..." Andy couldn't get the words all the way out before Robert answered.

"Forced fun..." He replied with a slight groan.

Grinning a little, Andy looked up at him. "I know how much you love that." She couldn't help the slight graze of his waistband. Being this close and not touching him was nearly impossible. "You look good." She added. They'd been texting, talking on the phone, even FaceTiming sometimes but hadn't seen each other in person in weeks.

"You are...a sight for sore eyes." Robert said softly. There were so many things he wanted to say. His hand found her fingertips and he leaned down slightly, breathing in the scent of her. When he looked back up, Robert noticed most of the A shift looking in their direction. Dropping Andy's hand, he lifted his own in a casual wave to the group.

She wanted more time, but knew she wasn't going to get it. "We have an audience don't we?" Andy asked with mild frustration in her voice. Her back was to the table, but she could feel the sets of eyes on them.

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