Chapter 24🧡

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"Hey" I mumbled as Von walked in the room at 4 in the morning

He ain't say nothing per usual, he just changed into some joggers and laid down. It had been almost a month and he was just ignoring me I guess.

I mean I really can't blame him, what I did was fucked up. But he gotta understand I was tryna protect his feelings. And the twins are only 5 months, what i look like pop out babies back to back.

And he was just proving my point on why we wasn't for another baby. He'd leave around 7am and won't come back until 4 in the morning. And when he here he ain't doing shit but sleeping.

So I've been basically taking care of all the kids by myself. Getting Dayjah to school, waking up in the middle of night when the twins cry, all of that.

"Look Von, you ain't gotta say shit to me. But can you at least be here sometime to help out the kids?"

He just pulled the cover over his head, I guess telling me to shut the fuck up talking to him.

The next morning I woke up at around 9 and Von was gone of course, the twins was going with Von sisters so I got them ready. Once they left it was just me and Dayjah since it was the weekend

"Ma I gotta question" she said walking in my room

Lord, every time she ask me something I have to brace myself.


"You kicked my daddy out?"

"No, he be here why?"

"Why I don't be seeing him then? Is he a deadbeat?"

Well I mean if you put it like that....

"Girl yo daddy ain't no deadbeat,He been tryna get his mind right I guess"

She nodded

A little later we had went to the grocery store, while I was waiting in line the most finest Nigga walked up behind me.

I mean he was fuck me and ruin my life type of fine. Ion usually shoot my shot but today I was about to be Jayla antetokounmpo.

I mean Von did say fuck the wedding and proposal and he took my ring off my finger in my sleep so I guess I am single. Right?

"Excuse me you dropped this" the man said picking up and handing me $10

"Omg, thank you"

I know you seen me drop it on purpose, but go off babes-

"That's yo baby? She look just like you"

"And do" Dayjah said making both of us laugh

"You got any kids?"

"Yeah a son"


"Yeah, Im Tariq by the way I don't think I got your name"

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