Hydra pt. 4

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When Sally woke up and looked around the room she concluded that yesterday wasn't a dream. She slipped the handcuff over her hand and it fit snugly against the scars against her wrist that never quite healed. Some were from training, and others were from the years before she learned how to slip out of her restraints and she would tug and pull at them in her sleep, but most were from one room in the little school where many girls lived. That room was the most feared room in the whole facility, many girls never returned from the torture room. It was rumored that the screams of the dead could still be heard if your ever unlucky enough to go anywhere close to that room.  Sally had only been there once and it was defiantly enough time to never want to go there again. Along with many deep cuts all along her arms, she had two giant cuts that were almost the depth of a fingernail, along with that some many other cuts and burns hadn't totally healed because of the constant training and reopening of the wounds. 

In just a minute the man who would usually come in the morning opened the door and almost looked surprised to see Sally as if he expected her to just be gone. He unlocked her handcuff and quietly left the room. She got up like usual, took a cold shower, and got dressed like yesterday didn't happen. Walking into the eating hall, Sally quickly sat near the back where the only seat was. As she walked by everybody multiple people were whispering quietly and eyeing her as if she was a ghost. 

Breakfast went as usual if you don't count the whispers. After breakfast, there was training so all of the girls headed back to their rooms to change. As if they were all brainwashed, all of the girls stepped out of their room and lined up in the hallway waiting for further instruction. Madam M came walking down the hallway with an unknown man behind her, he must be a person of importance because he stood without fear. As they walked down the hallway everybody visibly stiffened. The only time someone came to the Redroom, they took someone with them and that person never came back.  

Madam M stopped in front of Sally with the mystery guy right behind her, "это девушка?" (this the girl?)the guy said unimpressed. " Да, она может быть маленькой, но она одна из наших лучших."(Yes, she may be small, but she is one of our best.) Madam M said, obviously keying in on his doubt. It obviously worked because he seemed to stand more straight and look at me with more interest. he turned to Madam M and said, "Хорошо, я бы хотел увидеть ее в действии."(Ok, I would like to see her in action.)"Конечно"(Of Course).

The two started to walk towards the door, and Madam M signaled Sally to follow her, and she did. They ended up at the training room, which seemed more haunted than normally, with the lights off and the only light coming from the little windows lining one wall. The man was still there but had wandered off into the corner of the room, looking the slightest bit scared. Along one wall of the room, were targets, that were shaped like humans. There was a slim table with an assortment of weapons'. There were guns of all sorts, along with knives and a singular bow, with a quiver of arrows. 

Madam M held out the first gun towards Sally as if to say "take it", Sally reached forwards and took the gun from Madam M. "стрелять в цель"(fire at the target) Madam M said before walking to the corner of the room to stand with the man. Sally faced the target and raised her hands, ready to fire, she hit the target over and over in the dead center. Her hands only moved to fire her weapon and her eyes stayed locked with her target. When she was younger she would flinch at the sound of gunfire because it reminded her of her dad yelling, now she was stone-faced as ever, almost as if the gunfire wasn't there at all. She ran out of ammunition and lowered her gun peacefully, turning to meet Madam M's gaze. 

Madam M simply nodded and turned towards the mystery man. "ты возьмешь ее"(will you take her) she said, the man only nodded and motioned for Sally to follow him. she was hesitant at first but Madam M nodded at her to say it was ok, and she followed him. They made a stop at her room, and he told her to pack her things. She packed her two books and the new clothing she had acquired, on top of this she put two pairs of the red room's uniform and two training uniforms. Finally, she placed a small cloth bag with very few toiletries, a toothbrush and some toothpaste,  a hair tie, and some bobbie-pins, a small bottle of shampoo, and conditioner that you would expect to be in a hotel room and a stick of deodorant. She closed up the duffle bag that they had provided her with just as a knock came at the door. She opened it and followed the mystery man towards the door of the red room. They got outside and immediately she was pricked with something and everything went black. She woke up in a moving van, with the mystery man on the other side of the van than her.

 "Hello Sally, we have some very exciting things planned for you, you will be hydra's best assassin." "Um hello, could you tell me where I am and what your name is?"

"We are heading to your new home, and my name is  Baron von Strucker"

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