twenty two

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I didnt plan on updating this week but I got motivation so here you guys go!


Jexy is back bitches

I already have the next plot twist planned, omf things are gonna get intense;)

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Justin’s POV

I flinched instinctively when Lee Lee let out a whimper squirming against my grip, she had been doing this all night long. I tried to wake her up but she didn’t budge, instead she reacted to my finger tips on her skin and calmed down a little.

I thought about singing to her to calm her down, but then again she wouldn’t be able to hear me so what good would it do. 

By now it was well past noon and the sun had managed to poke through the curtains brightening the otherwise dark room, my muscles were stiff and tired from sitting up against the hard headboard all night. Not that I really minded because it made Lee Lee happy and that was all I cared about.

"Justin?" My ears perked up at the sound of her sweet slightly raspy voice, I looked down at her with a smile watching as her eyes fluttered opened revealing their vibrant green color "Morning." I said slowly avoiding my stutter, I had learned if I talked slower I didn’t stutter as much.

She stretched out in my grip letting out a small yawn "Did you sleep little one?" I looked out the window before glancing back at her "No," I whispered lowly not wanting her to be mad at me, she sighed before leaning up "Close your eyes and go to sleep, I’ll be right here." I smiled as she ran a quick hand through my hair ruffling it slightly

I did as she said and laid back against the pillow, letting out a moan at the relief it brought to my aching back and muscles "C-Cuddle?" As soon as my words came out I cursed myself harshly "Big boys d-don’t stutter." I said to myself digging my nails into my lower arm 

Lee Lee gasped quietly taking my hand, peeling it away from where I was scratching myself "Don’t do that Ju Ju, so what if you stutter, I love that about you." Her lips brushed slightly over my knuckles before looking she looked at me with a soft smile 

"I-I don’t l-like my stutter." I muttered harshly feeling embarrassed, when I was in school the other kids used to make fun of me and called me a broken record because I couldn’t talk right, I tried to learn but I was just too stupid to.

"Why not?" She whispered quietly palming my neck softly, my eyes fluttered shut at the sensation it sent all throughout my body making me smile softly "The b-big kids at s-school s-said I w-was a baby b-because I c-couldn’t t-talk right." I heard her sigh softly before moving closer to me 

"Well you know what, you’re not in school anymore you’re here with me, your loving mate who happens to love your stutter and everything else you hate about yourself because to me there isn’t one single thing I could ever hate about you." She stated softly making my heart beat faster against my chest

"Y-You mean t-that?" I asked nuzzling my head against her chest "I t-thought you w-would want me t-to grow up b-because t-the m-man said t-th-" 

"Don’t you worry about what the man said Justin, it was all a lie." Her voice started off hard and low but towards the end she drifted to her normal sweet soft voice, I nodded slowly against her chest feeling her arms wrap around me "And I don’t want you to be grown up if you’re not ready little one, you still have a while until you’re supposed to." 

"I-I don’t t-think I-I want to." I mumbled placing both of my hands on the small of her back forcing her closer to me "D-Don’t b-be mad." 

"I’m not mad little one, now shh and go to sleep." She cooed softly running her fingers slowly through my hair, slowly sending me off into a deep slumber

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